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"Trey wake up man your phone is going off". "I hear it" I say sitting up from off the couch. Turning off my phone I sit up finally realizing the time of the morning.

"Bro it's 12:00 In the afternoon" I say rubbing the sleep from my  eyes. "You lying..." Meech responses from the floor he slept on.

"Yeah we gotta get up it's Sunday we to young to be sinning like this" I say with a chuckle.

"Fuck my head hurts" says Dani coming from Ryan room. "It's Advil in the bathroom" I say standing up. "Nigga get up" I say kicking Meech in his back.

"Fine I'm up I'm up" he says turning over onto his back. "I'll start on breakfast because this is crazy I didn't even drink last night but my head hurts", I say rubbing my head

"Poor you", says Ryan walking in "my shit feels like two fat bitches jumping on my brain". "Nigga shut up" Meech says laughing.

"You're mean as hell", I say pulling out some bacon and pancake mix. "I'll make us breakfast since y'all to drunk to function". "Thank you you're a life saver", Dani says walking into the kitchen and kissing my cheek.

"Get away from him that's my man", Meech says pushing Dani over and wrapping his arm around my torso.

"No sir move from him he's been my friend the longest",  Ryan says pushing both of them. "Moveee", Meech says pushing him off me. They go back and forth tugging me.

"Y'all so gay for Trey", it's hilarious Dani says watching in awe as her boyfriend and friend fight for my love.

"Would y'all stop or y'all not getting breakfast", I voiced after getting tired of being pushed around. "Whatever you can have him Meech he a meanie anyways", Ryan say walking away and over to where Dani sitting at and laying  on her.

"Good all mines he" say laying his head on my back. "Get off of me" I say pushing him away and turning on the oven.

"You are right he is meanie I'm joining y'all now" , Meech says running over and jumping on Ryan and Dani.

Adding water to the pancake mix I cant help but to think about seeing professor James last night at the club. It was like I was destined to see him or something.

"Good morning my black people", Asia says coming from the restroom all chippy.

"Good morning beautiful", I say coming out the kitchen and hugging her. "Good Morning Trey" she responds getting red in the face.

"Stop being a whore and go finish breakfast". "I'm not being a whore" I say returning to the kitchen. "Yeah right" Meech yells out. "And you wipe that smile off your face looking at him", he adds.

"Anyway fuck you Meech!" and "I'm happy because I just got a  text from Simone saying that Professor Cathy isn't making us do the lab anymore".

"You lying" Dani says looking up at Asia. "No ma'am but we do have a long presentation that we would have to prepare and work with some with".

"Girl you already know I'm choosing you so it's no problem with me" she responds back.

"Trey did you tell them how we ran into Professor Jame last night". "Nah I didn't, I say pour the mix on the hot griddle".

"Wait y'all niggas saw Professor James last night at the club that had to be awkward as hell", Ryan's states. "It was I had left with drinks while  Trey stayed back and talked to him".

"Nigga you talked to Professor in the club isn't that like student and teacher violation or something", Meech says laughing.

"Shut up it was just a couple of seconds anyways, he wasn't talking about nothing anyways". Taking the bacon out the stove and setting on plate I bring over the pancakes and bacon to dinner table.

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