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"Mom I wish I could come down for the weekend but it's finals week and you know I can't make that drive like I used to".

Trey sits at his computer desk editing and listening to his mom rant and ask questions about when he's coming home. Truth is he haves a date or thing with Calvin this weekend and wants to see how it will go.

He's honestly is nervous about what they have going on right now. They've been texting nothing too flirty, but damn near flirty if someone else was to get his phone.

It's been two years since he's had a boyfriend actually. His last one was no good stayed cheating on him and playing games and he just had enough, but that's what he gets for messing with a DL bottom with issues. He's been talking to girls and boys on and off it's just nothing has stick like with Calvin and Asia possibly.

He's young and and just trying to navigate his life with these two possible people, he truly haves no clue what's going on with his life, but he's taking it one step at a time.

He just hope he doesn't hurt anyone's feelings including his. "Mom I love you!... I love you, but I have to go I will be up there to visit in a couple of weeks", bye mom tell the family I love them too, I says finally hanging up his phone.

Laying back he can't help but to think about Calvin and the simple conversation they've been having. From there favorite movies and televisions to there favorite hip hop artist. Of course since he is a little older he finds old school hip hop better than Trey does. Who finds new school hip hop more better for him.

They send stupid memes to each other like there kids it's just something fresh and new he never saw his self doing for before but here he goes.

His phone ringing knocks him out of his daze. Seeing it's Calvin number he lets it ring for another seconds before picking it up.

"Hey Cal", I say into the phones speaking first. "Cal that's a new phrase I've never heard that before" the older man responses.

"Really I won't call you that anymore if you're not comfortable with me saying", I say rushing it out hoping I didn't just embarrass myself to the man.

"Nah it cute it's nobody ever called me that before", he responses in his husky deep voice. "Oh well what's up", I say sitting up in my bed.

"I know we had meet up set up for this weekend, but I was just wondering if you wanted to get a drink tonight before that".

"Uhm if I don't remember you said in class today we had to work on your outline, and well that's what I'm doing tonight", I say responding cockily to the man.

"Well close your laptop and come get a beer and tacos with me tonight", he says. Chewing on the inside of my cheek I search my mind for answer.

"I mean why not", I response cringing my face up. "Okay cool text me your address and I'll pick you up".

"What why can't we just meet up?". "Man, just send your location I'll be there in a few", he says and hanging up on me.

"Uhm what the fuck just happened", I say out loud looking down at my phone. Siting on the hedge of my bed it takes me a moment to gather myself for the night.

Looking down at my phone it reads 9:30 standing up I walk over to my closet and try to find a outfit that's comfortable but stylish for me.

Coming up with khaki cargo shorts and my favorite spider hoodie I lay it on my bed and head for the shower. 20 minutes later I'm out and putting lotion on my body.

Throwing my hoodie and shorts on for some finishing touches I place a my gold chain and my black Brooklyn nets cap to match my Jordan's.

Looking in the mirror I can't help but too think I look good as hell. Looking over at my phone Calvin tells me he's a few minutes away from my apartment.

Grabbing my phone and spraying some cologne on I head out of my room coming face to face with friends that I forgot was even here really.

"And where are you going?" Meech questions me from the couch. "Just out for a drink is that a problem", I ask bitting my lip.

"With who", he asks sitting up and moving his laptop. "Where is Dani and Ryan?...I thought they were here" I ask changing the question.

"Don't change the subject" he says getting up. I'll answer if you answer mines I say. "Fine, there in the back sleep she gotta test tomorrow" he answer. "Now you're turn", he says.

"Fine just out with this guy" I response. "Do we know him and where exactly are you going"? He questions even more.

"Damn bro you not my daddy I gotta go", I say practically running out the apartment. "I'm not done with you!!!" he says following behind me and standing at the door.

Walking towards the black car I hope in without even thinking of it. "So you just hop into random niggas car?"Calvin I've seen your car multiple times before, I respond.

"Oh really so you stalk my car he shoots back". "Nah Nigga you just the only professor on campus that drives a blacked out Benz on a teacher salary", I shoot back at him.

Looking at him I can't help but to admire his freshman cut fade and pearly white teeth. From looking at him you think the buff guy wouldn't know how to dress but he wears a jean jacket and black jeans looking real fresh.

"You going to keep looking at me or are you going to put your seatbelt and so we can go." "Yeah my bad", I say putting on my seatbelt and sitting straight in my seat. Starting the car Calvin drive the two to his favorite bar for some much needed interaction.

Thank you for reading the next part will be on interact with each and maybe something spicy idk yet. Thank you for all your love and support keep voting!!!

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