ILY 14

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"Quiet down guys, I got an announcement for you all. These last couple of assignments you all  have done an amazing job, so for this spring break I want to give yall a break. But just know when we come back we will have to start discussing your last few assignments and Finale exam, so be prepared. You all are dismissed enjoy break".

"Professor James can I talk to you for a quick second?"Turning around I'm met by the beautiful lightskin boy.

"Trey you the biggest teachers pet I know, you better hurry talking to professor James or you going to get left and not get anything to eat," Meech tells Trey as he walks out the classroom.

"Meech It'll be a moment, I'll be out there he says dapping the man up." Whatever hurry the helll up I'm hungry. Later professor James.

"Enjoy your break Mr.Flenory," I say laughing at the two. Turning around I gather my bag and computer stopping when I feel a set of hands wrap around my waist.

"Trey I would love to be held right now, but you know this room has cameras...let me go babe". "Haha my bad I got a little carried away," he says unwrapping his hands and taking a seat on my desk.

"I want to hang out with you today if your free, but i understand if your busy later." Turning around confused at the man I can see him grow slightly nerves. "Trey of course I  would love to chill with you all you have to do is ask don't be nervous."

"Shit my bad it's just been a minute since we hung out. I love seeing you on FaceTime, but experiencing you in person is way better" "Same for me it's just this professing thing got busy and all this wedding plan started pilling up I had to take care of something's." Trey nods his head in an understanding manner.

"Come on let's get you to your friends before they beat you up, then I got to fight." "Yeah you're right Meech gets angry when he hungry," he says laughing. Grabbing my brief case we begin walking to the parking lot.

"This weekend you should come over and stay with  me. I'll cook and we can play video games and do couple stuff," I say laughing. "I don't know I planned on going home this weekend my mom been on me to come see everyone."

"Yeah I agree you should, but spend just this weekend with me then you can drive home Sunday evening". Quite for a moment Trey actually thinks about his options. "Fine I can do that I really want to be under you this weekend anyway my mom can wait."

"Alright you can come tomorrow I gotta get the house together and go grocery shopping then,"I say as we reach the parking lot. "Okay deal, but this weekend I want you...all of you", he says dabbing me and walking towards the car full of his friends.

Feeling my self grow a little hard I shake my head and walk to my car and begin my ride to the grocery store for my man.

𝓛𝓪𝓽𝓮𝓻 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓝𝓲𝓰𝓱𝓽

Flipping the steaks over to cook I begin chopping the lettuce for my salad. "Alexa turn up the jazz music for me." Finishing chopping  up my lettuce I add the homemade Caesar dressing Raven made a couple of days ago to the bowl. Giving it a slight toss I place it back into the fridge.

Pulling out a beer for myself I hear the front door open. "Honey I'm home," Raven shouts at me. Laughing at the women I continue sipping on my beer, until I feel a soft pair of hands wrap around me for the second time today.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 23 ⏰

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