announcement: 80k??? + future plans

2.2K 31 0

table of contents:

1. life update (a joke to brighten your day)
2. thank you announcement
3. current WIPs & future plans

(skip through it if you're not interested. mb if you expected a new oneshot)


public apology for disappearing for three months ish then writing some crazed bachira oneshot... no, what happened in that time was not something crazy compatible to the ones of These Specific AO3 Writers, but yeah things are kinda tough rn so please bear with me. continuing


holy cRAP 80k *censored words of something entirely incomprehensible*

i did NOT expect this to blow up when i wrote and published it for fun. i did NOT expect everyone to be so supportive too... every comment, every vote, every read, even, makes me incredibly happy and its really, really heartwarming to see how many of you are enjoying my very few oneshots. thank all of you SO much!! all of this support also makes a great part to why im still writing :')

soo, as a thank you, i wanted to give you a bit of an insight on what my future plans are:


ive been working myself through the following x readers (with approximate completion, in percent:)

reo (70%)
isagi (20%)
shidou (10%)
rin (1%) (continuation of "irrationality")
kaiser (5%) (i found a liking. uh)
(and more hcs, including niko... 1%)

to the ones who requested these a long time ago, lmk if your request is or is not on this list... and dont even try to cheat because i will remember if ive seen you before the moment i spot your pfp. also common sense, these requests do are a lot :')

only slots that are open is for headcanons, request these anytime. spare me otherwise

that's all for now, i think, thanks for your attention! i hope you will continue to support me in the future!

✌︎('ω')✌︎ stay safe & have a nice day!

— evie

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