2 Drama 💀

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Hello to anyone reading this! I'm just posting this chapter so early because I was eager to keep writing, and felt the urge to post this.

Shadow's POV
I started thinking about how me and him were friends but I still barely knew a thing about him. I guess I should maybe ask his friends? No they still think we're rivals, they'll probably think I'll use it against him. I looked at the blue hedgehog contemplating if I should ask him about his childhood. "Faker." I broke the silence with my usual monotone voice. He looked at me quickly like he just got snapped out of thinking something that he felt guilty about? "Yeah Shads?" He responded to me with that annoying but calming voice of his. "I realized I barely know anything about you. What was your childhood like?" He seemed to almost flinch at the question, and stayed quiet as can be. "Hedgehog?" I questioned his sudden silence. "It's.. Nothing to worry about Shadow, lets leave it at that okay?" He kept staring at the water when he responded. Like he didn't want to make eye contact. "Why? I'm curious, and you know what mine was like." I told him with a little hesitation as I didn't want to push it too far. "Please Shadow, I don't want to talk about it." He was still staring at the water. I started to actually consider asking his friends. I didn't answer this time as I got off, and ran off to find the fox since he was probably my best hope of getting information from.
When I found him he was in his workshop working on something as Sonic told me he usually was. I knocked since I didn't want to burst in and make it so he trusted me even less than he already did. He answered the door, and was about to close it again. "Wait, I'm not here to fight. I just want to ask you a question about Sonic." I said before he could slam the door in my face. There was a moment of suspicious silence from the fox. "Why? So you can hurt him?" He asked me, which I had expected. "No." I sighed in annoyance. "Me and him are friends now, but he won't tell me about his childhood, and I want to know if you know anything." I annoyedly asked the now shocked looking fox. "You two are friends?!" He almost yelled the question. "Yes. Now will you answer my question?" I was still annoyed. "..I would but he never brought it up to me either, sorry Shadow." He shut the door, and left me standing there thinking. Sonic didn't tell him of all people? In that case did he even tell anyone at all? I rushed away from the fox's house with even more questions running through my head about the blue hedgehog.
~About a day later~
I was looking for the faker when I heard laughing from just outside the nearby college I was almost sure he went to, and went to check it out just to hear yelling as I got closer. "Will you leave me alone?!" I recognized the voice as Sonic's. Then I heard something that sounded like the thud of someone getting thrown to the ground, and a grunt of pain followed afterward. "Why would I do that when this is so fun?" It was an unfamiliar voice to me, but I was already starting to get angry at whoever it was. I waited for a second to see if the faker would protect himself only to hear it getting worse so I walked over grabbing the person but the arm, and throwing them at a wall.

Thank you for reading! I'm pretty sure it was a little short, but I do hope you enjoyed it! Have a great rest of your day.

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