7 Bro's like a stalker

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We won't ask about what happens okay- they're like, mentally unstable or sum.

                         Sonic's POV

I woke up slowly, and sat up holding my head as it felt a little weird. I opened my eyes to see the forest floor and remember that I had fallen asleep in the forest.. Again.

"I need to stop doing that. My back is hurting from how much I sleep here." I told myself as I popped my back and stood up. I looked around and saw footprints on the muddy ground. Those look like Shadow and Tails' footprints.. I thought to myself as I walked over to them and crouched down.

"Why were thet together, and... Watching me.. Sleep? Uhm. I'm gonna have a lot of questions for those two." I stood up extremely confused, and a bit weirded out at the thought of them wathing me sleep. I couldn't wrap my head around what they may have wanted while I started to walk out of the forest until I started to become dizzy as a memory came to mind.

"You're so pathetic.. I can barely call you my son." A female voice. I was crying.

I shook my head quickly after to get the thought out of my head, and started walking again while holding my forehead. Why did I feel so dizzy now? I never get dizzy when I have memories, I always just ignore them and move on without a problem. I thought to myself while I was walking to Tails and I's house. For once in my life didn't feel like running too much right now. I got there after a few long minutes, and opened the door to see that Tails wasn't in the living room. I walked in, and shut the door quietly behind me. He's probably just messing with his new invention or something. I thought which made me think of what he had suggested earlier, then the footsteps in the forest. Did he? No. He wouldn't do that. I fought myself in my thoughts until I shook them away, and went to my room sitting on the bed.

"I know he wouldn't do something like that. He's nicer than that." I told myself quietly as to not disrupt Tails if he walked near. I went back and forth in my head of doubting my thoughts then yelling at myself about it for who knows how long until I finally decided to drop the topic and cook something for Tails. I walkes out of my room and to the kitchen grabbing ingredients from the pantry and fridge while wondering to myself of where Tails might be. He walked in around half an hour after I had finished cooking, and I had put the food in the fridge so flies didn't get in it.

"Hey Sonic!" He ran up to me.

"Where were you? You didn't come back home yesterday." He asked me, it was a reasonable question because people don't usually sleep in the woods but then my mind went back to the footsteps. Is he putting up an act? He wouldn't do that would he? Is he hiding something? Not that secrets are bad but it's kind of bugging me now. I started to zone out into my train of thought until he waved his hand infront of my face.

"Sonic? Hello?" He got my attention.

"Sorry, I zoned out. But last night I was in the forest, I thought.. Nevermind." I decided not to mention it, it may as well have been my imagination with all the things that have been going through my head lately. Should I talk to Shadow about it, I would talk to Tails but I wouldn't want to worry him more than I already do between the Eggman battles and me wearing hoodies to cover up my bruises, which I think he may have noticed once or twice.. That's off track, I think I will talk to Shadow. It might be nice to get all this stuff off my chest, and he already knows about something I was keeping a secret anyway so he would probably be my best bet.

                          ~That Night~

Will I just get more memories if I go to bed? Probably, bur I'll atleast try and if it happens I'll go to Shadow's house and see if he's awake. I sighed as I layed down getting comfortable to fall asleep but was hesitant to as I didn't want to get more memories. I slowly closed my eyes trying to get some sleep before I immediately re-opened my eyes, and stood back up without a second thought.

"I will not be dealing with that." I muttered just before I randomly saw Shadow a ppear in front of me, and stumbled back slightly being startled by his sudden appearance.

"Why are you-" I started to say until he interrupted me.

"Why am I here? I felt like something was wrong, and by the looks of you still being awale at what, 12:00 A.M? I would say so." He quickly told me in his actually concerned tone that I had ended up getting used to ever since he finally opened up to me when we became friends. It was still sorta weird since for so many years of knowing him he seemed so emotionless, but nobody really is so..

"I'm fine Shadz, you don't have to worry about me all the time, why aren't you asleep anyway?" I tried to change the topic now curious as to why he wasn't sleeping. Is he having the same problem I'm having? Probably not, but also may be. I really shouldn't think too hard about it, it'll just make me space out with Shadow in the room probably ending up confused.

"What happened." He asked me, almost in a cold voice like most of the time but there was still the hint of worry he had shown me. It was weird how quickly his tone changed.

"Nothing happened, I'm fine." I lied knowing all well that I had a memory just before he showed up. He could tell that I was lying by looking at me, I could see that much. He isn't going to give up until I tell him is he? I thought to myself. But he doesn't know what happened to me.. I don't want to tell him that, but at the same time I kind of do since it would be a nice thing to get off my chest after all of the things that I've seen, and felt.

"Mostly." I added after thinking of all of that, and he just raised a brow basically asking for clarification.

"And what does that mean?" He asked me after a second of me going silent so suddenly after saying that.

Cliffhanger! Hah. You'll get the next chapter on Friday so don't worry it won't be too long until then.

In The End: Nobody Can Win. (Some Shadonic)Where stories live. Discover now