12 He's Gone

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Enjoy this sad piece of shit 😭

                         Tails' POV

I stared in horror at Sonic laying limp half way out of the bathroom doorway. I was too late. I immediately ran over, and tried to push on his chest to get the water out of his lungs but eventually gave up when I knew it wasn't working. I hugged him close to me as I began to cry as hard as I could into his now lifeless chest.

"Why couldn't I have been faster?! I'm too late!!" I screamed at myself while I kept my hold on a now dead Sonic. I thought I heard footsteps from near a close window. I instantly stood up fueled by anger, my exhaustion now forgotten and ran over to the area pouncing in Amy and taking hold of her throat tightly without thinking.

"WHY?! WHY DID YOU HAVE TO KILL HIM!?" I screamed louder at her than I had ever screamed at anybody. She stared at me with a terrified expression, one saying she'd just been caught. I gripped her throat tighter and shook her using it.

"TELL ME! WHY DID YOU KILL HIM AMY?! WHY!!" I kept up my loud screaming, I felt like I was damaging my vocal cords. My muzzle was completely drenched in my own tears. I wasn't even realizing the length of what I was doing. I was strangling her.

"FUCKING TELL ME! HE DID NOTHING TO YOU!! HE CARED ABOUT YOU AMY!!!" I shook her again accidentally slamming her head against the hard floor. She was trying to speak, but I had too tight of a grip. I hadn't realized anything including her now bleeding head. I wasn't in my right mind, but I couldn't tell.

"WHY DID YOU TAKE MY BIG BROTHER'S LIFE?!" I finally let go of her throat letting her breath, but I slapped her hard enough to leave a read mark on her muzzle. She was gasping for air while being pinned underneatg my light weight, and only now had I realized my heavy breathing and uncontrollable sobbing. I gasped along eith her but for a different reason.

"ANSWER ME YOU PINK RAT!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. She stared at me in terrified awe while I glared down at her with a newly awakened fury that I didn't know I was capable of.

"I.. I did it because I..." She managed to muster out a few words of explanation before I cut her off in an impatient manner.

"JUST SPIT IT OUT! WHAT WAS YOUR OH SO REASONABLE EXPLANATION FOR KILLING MY BROTHER?!" I screamed at her even more, my vocal cords were begging me to stop but I was too enraged to have any logical thinking left.

"I was jealous of Shadow!" She finally spat out. I froze in utter anger. Rage, I was full of absolute hatred now.

"THAT'S YOUR REASON?! YOU WERE JEALOUS?!" I grasped her throat again before I felt myself being pulled off by someone who I hadn't heard walk into the house. I was still sobbing uncontrollably as I tried to wriggle away from their strong grip on my arm until I looked at them still filled with hatred fueled rage. Shadow. He had small tears running down his face as I heard Amy stand up. I just tried to yank my arm away again.

"LET ME GO SHADOW! LET ME GO!!" I kept struggling to get away. I still felt myself filled with rage.

"Stop being irrational." He let go of me, and went over grabbing Amy by the arm. Before I could say anything more he Chaos Controlled away presumabley to the police. I ran back into the room with Sonic and hugged him tightly and closely once again. I sobbed and held my dead brother for what seemed like an eternity but not long enough before I heard police and ambulance sirens outside of my house. They were going to take him away from me forever. I heard the door open and just held him closer to me. His chest was wet with my tears is the first thing I noticed when I did that.

"Hey kid.." I heard footsteps come up behind me, and the person crouch down slowly as if not wanting to scare an already freightened animal.

"We're gonna take Sonic here on the ambulance okay?" They were using that baby voice on me. Do they think that'll help what happened?! No! I didn't say anything and only held on tighter to him. Still sobbing. His warmth was fading. I sobbed even more at the feeling. He was gone. I then felt myself getting pulled off again, and I immediately started flailing.

"NO! NO- DON'T TAKE HIM FROM ME! PLEASE!!" I pleaded to the people that started to take him away on a stretcher. I saw them walk out the door, and froze. I'd never see him again.

Soooo- Tails went insane I guess. I hope you enjoyed his outburst of anger

In The End: Nobody Can Win. (Some Shadonic)Where stories live. Discover now