6 Snoopy bastards 😒

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Soooo, at this point in the fanfic Tails has figured out about Sonic and Shadow, I just wanted to address this so you do not get confused.

                  ~Shadow's POV~

"So you said you want to figure out why Sonic doesn't want to test out this machine in specific?" I asked the small fox while he was typing something in on his laptop that he carries with him everywhere.

"Yes, he never had a problem with any of my other machines, and I think this one could help make sure people aren't keeping any vital secrets from each other that could ruin things." He responded as if that was normal, I mean who would want to snoop around in someone's secrets? They're probably secrets for a reason, but I won't say too much of anything. I thought to myself silently before thinking of something to say back.

"Seems a little personal to be snooping in people's secrets, especially someone you consider your big brother. What do you even need me for in this anyway?" I questioned the fox as he finally stopped typing and looked at me.

"If he's keeping it a secret from me than it's probably something that anyone should be concerned about. I want to make sure that Sonic is okay, because he doesn't keep secrets from me." He was turned around in his chair ad he gave me his explanation for what he wants to do.

"And I need you to find him bevause you're as fast as him, and it's more efficient than me doing it, also I need you to tell me when he's asleep so I can do it, and since this is a touch free device that part will be easy." He explained further, it still seemed a little intrusive but I won't say anything more about it. I stood up straight and uncrossed my arms.

"Fine. I'll call you when I find him, if he's aslesp." I ran out before he could respond and started looking for Sonic, it wasn't hard to find him as he was a bright blue amongst all these other dull colors of the city. After I couldn't find him in the city I began to look for him in the forest which didn't take me long to find him. I stopped. He was laying on the floor and seemed to be asleep, I went over, and nudged him slightly to make sure. Yep. He's asleep. I called the fox, and he picked up almost instantly as I stood a bit away from the azure hedgehog to make sure I didn't wake him with my speaking.

"I found him in the forest, he's asleep on the floor. I'll send you my location." I told him before he could yell into the phone or anything.

"Okay!" He quickly responded before hanging up on me. I tapped a few buttons on my phone to send him my location since I was too far in to go back now. I was kind of curious anyway since he had never told me anything about his past as a kid. He shifted slightly to his side while he was asleep, I looked at him to make sure was infact still asleep, and he seemed to be. I heard movement from beside me, and saw the fox standing just next to me almost smiling.

"That seemed quick for you." I remarked in a low tone as to not wake the other hedgehog, the fox caught on and used the same tone when speaking back.

"Well I'm really curious, so I ran as fast as I could." He told me before walking over to the hedgehog, and using the machine.

               ~A few minutes later~
Me and Tails were shocked as we stared at the holographic screen that showed his memories before the fox turned it off quickly. What in the chaos did Sonic go through and didn't tell anyone. Me and the yellow fox looked at each other for a second until we both decided to just leave and not tell anyone especially Sonic what we had just witnessed. The azure hedgehog would probably snap at us if he figured out what had just happened so it was best to not tell anyone, even people that could keep a secret.

"I can see why he would hide that.." The fox muttered from beside me as we both looked at his laptop when we were back at his surprisingly big workshop.

"I had said it was probably better not to snoop around in his business." I said in a practically stern tone. The fox looked at me.

"You still went through with it, you could have said no." I shrugged at his comment.

"I did because I was curious, but it wasn't my idea to look into his secrets, I was going to let him keep his secrets." I responded the stern tone not there anymore, it was replaced with how I usually sound. He sighed, and looked back at his laptop, it was still looking at the hedgehog's memories.

"Did your weird machine download his thoughts or something?" I questioned Tails, but he kept looking at the laptop as he responded to me.

"Kind of, it sort of tracks whenever he has a memory, and right now he's dreaming which I guess counts in this case." He still had his eyes glued to his computer, it was kind of annoying. I looked at the computer as well as I was curious again and saw that it seemed to be mostly calm in his heas at the moment.

"Well he seems to be fine so I'm going to go." I said befors I began to leave the room. The fox immediately turned to me.

"Shadow wait! I'm going to send you the tracker from my computer to your phone, it'll be easier for you to track it since you're near him the most." He told me. I slowly looked at him, why would I need to track his thoughts?

"And why do I need to do that exactly?" I asked still looking at the fox suspiciously.

"Because if another bad memory shows up he'll need some sort of comfort, and because you're near him the most it'll be easier for you." He turned back to his computer and clicked a few buttons. I got a notification on my phone.

"If he finds out I'm putting all the blame on you." I told him before dashing out of his house quickly. I don't know what's wrong with him, but I'll just go along with it. What's the most harm it could do? I thought.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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