11 His Death

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Hahhahah...... Sad chapter as you can tell from the title! It's finally come. But this still isn't the end of the book quite yet. See ya at the end.

                          Sonic's POV
                      ~After Tails Left~

I watched confused as Tails ran quickly out of the house we shared right after he dragged me there. He was worrying me, he seemed in much more of a rush than I'd ever seen him in, but I didn't want to be nosy and ask him too many questions so I left him alone as he ran out of the house again. I started to walk to the kitchen when I heard a knock on the door. I knew it wasn't Shadow or Tails, because Tails just left and Shadow wasn't visiting today but I went over, and opened the door anyway. It was Amy.

"Hey Sonic! Since Tails wanted to leave so bad can I hang out here instead?" She seemed genuine enough.

"Uh, sure I guess, I mean he just ran away to do something so I don't see a problem with it." I stepped out of the doorway to let her in, and she walked past me.

"Thanks Sonic, I just need to do something really quickly." She ran off as I closed the door gently.

"Her too? What, do I repel people when I start talking?" I asked myself while I walked to my kitchen again. Then I heard running water, may be she just had to use the restroom, but it went on for a weird amount of time. I looked at the restroom door seeing the light on under the door confirming my theory, and just shrugged going back to getting some food. I noticed that the water went on for a while and stopped.

"It seemed like with that much water it could fill a sink.." I muttered to myself a little suspicious, but shrugged it off as nothing. For some reason I didn't hear anymore doors open, but didn't pay attention to it until I heard footsteps behind me. I stayed still until they got closer. Closer. I tried to turn around to attack them but I was grabbed from behind and immediately had something knocking me out cold.

                     ~When he woke up~

I jolted awake from the feeling of water touching the back of my quills and was about to struggle before I felt my entire head be submerged quickly into what seemed like the sink. I immediately held my breath before any water got into my lungs as I tried to get my head frantically above the surface. I tried to grab the person holding me down to be able to manuever away but couldn't manage to find them with my hands so I forcefully opened my eyes trying to see clearly through the water. All I could make out was.. Pink? A hedgehog it looks like.. I thought while still trying my best to hold my breath. AMY?! I had a late realization as I began to struggle worse when I felt my lungs begin to burn, it felt like they were about to burst and it only kept getting worse by the second.

"I'm sorry Sonic." It was a fuzzy voice from the water in the way of my ears, but it was enough to confirm that it was Amy holding me down. I tried to trip her legs out from under herself but failed miserably from how much I was unintentionally flailing.

"I really didn't want to do this. But it was the only way." The fuzzy voice again. My lungs burned like they were going explode any second from me holding my breath for way too long, and my vision startes to blur to where I couldn't tell what anything was like I could before. The terrifying truth hit me.

I'm dying.

What about Tails?! Shadow?! Everybody! What if Eggman takes over!! I tried even harder to get out if her grip which only made me unintentionally gasp filling my lungs with water. I started to choke, and gag instinctively trying to get the water out of my lungs. I was thrashing around splashing the water slightly out of the sink, making it to where I could almost get away but not quite enough. My lungs were screaming for air that I couldn't give them, I was trying my best to get out of her tight hold in any way I could possibly manage with my tight situation until I suddenly felt a wave of calmness slowly taking over me. It felt nice, and I wanted to give into the hard tug of sleep but I knew that would be the end, and I tried to get away once more only to be met with my eyes slowly closing as I saw the last of the air I had float as bubbles to the surface of the water. The last thing I saw was her picking up my head out of the water as everything promptly went black.

Did you enjoy watching Sonic slowly drown? Probably nottttt- BUT too bad too sad, so there might be one, two, or may be three more chapters to come after this so that you get some insight of what happened after this. I will also post a chapter[?] where people who read it decide something for me.

In The End: Nobody Can Win. (Some Shadonic)Where stories live. Discover now