8 The Truth

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Yayyyy! Another chapter! I swear I'm starting to struggle lengthening them out but I can handle it sooo, enjoy I guess- (Early chapter cuz it's finished but I do want to lengthen out the updates)

                       Shadow's POV
He went completely silent after giving me a very short answer.

"And what does that mean?" I asked him worried, and genuinely curious. I don't know what happened because I didn't look at the hologram when I got the notification, it seemed wrong to just look into his brain like that so I didn't. I want him to tell me on his own, it would be better so he doesn't feel pressured to tell me and end up feeling worse.

"..It means I... Had a bad memory." He responded quietly, I almost couldn't hear him. I knew that much, but I wouldn't tell him that so he wouldn't freak out about what me and Tails had done. I still felt guilty about that, I knew it wasn't an okay thing to do to him. I stood there for a second thinking of what to say.

"Do you feel like telling me what it was or not? You could tell me what your past was like." I decided to respond in a.. Less monotone voice, instead it seemed softer. I didn't know I could speak to anybody in a soft tone, I guess that's good since I've gotten myself into this situation by getting close to him. Do I regret it? Absolutely not, if I had to I would do it again and again just to be with him. He had paused his talking for a moment again, he was obviously thinking about it before he walked up, and hugged me tightly. I was startled, but wrapped my arms around him pulling him closer to me.

"I can tell you.. But it'll be a long story, so I'll cut it short." He mumbled to me while we both kept close in the other's embrace.

"When I was a kid around I think 5 or 6 is when my parents started to.. Be..." He trailed off into his thoughts until I squeezed him slightlyand quickly to snap him out of it.

"Sorry, they started to be abusive I guess is how to put it." He mumbled the word. From what I had seen when Tails first tried it that was a bit of an understatement to have to doubt that accusation, but he didn't say anything and just kept Sonic in his embrace as the azure hedgehog's eyes started to glisten slightly with tears.

"Their treatment went on until I was around 17 or 18 when I finally moved out, and helped Tails get a house so we moved in together.. But it didn't really end there, I mean my parents were out of the picture, but I started college around then as well." He mumbled more explanation to me, and I was listening now believing this is where the 'bullies' he came across with Sonic in that corner when they first confessed came into play. I started to feel pissed off as soon as Sonic had started explaining everything is little detail, but I kept a calm face as to not make him freak out more.

"It started at the beginning of the first year even though I had tried to stay away from everyone, and honestly that might've been a little bit of why they would do that stuff to me.. I don't quite understand why for that though." I wanted to question what kind of things they had done, but I feel that it might make him cry.

"It's my fourth year. My last yeat thankfully." I heard him mumble again. My blood was boiling at this point, I just wanted to kill everyone that hurt him but still kept my calm. He put his muzzle on my chest fur after that ans only then did I realize his muzzle was wet. He was already crying, and I hadn't realized! Screw it being so dark!! I thought to myself as I positioned me and Sonic into a sitting position on the floor bringing him onto my lap to try and calm him down. He kept his face
there, but he also slowly started to sob into my fur. He was obviously having memories as I could feel my phone vibrate, but gladly he couldn't feel it or hear it.

"It's okay Sonic, I'm here.." I tried to comfort him the best I knew how although I wasn't very good at that. I started to rub circles on his back while I looked down at him seeing his ears pinned back as he continued his emotionally pained sobbing. It hurt me to see him like this only now realizing how long he had been hiding this from all of his friends. From Tails. Knuckles. Me. Everyone. It has been years of who knows how much torture he's been hiding without any form of help or comfort. I couldn't even know how bad it really is as he hadn't told me the entire story, he barely told me any of it I had presumed. I kept up rubing circles on his back trying to calm him down in anyway possible but that was proving to be extremely difficult. He kept sobbing for a little while longer until he had finally started to calm down, and when he did I wiped the wetness off his face.

"Are you calm now?" I asked him in a surprisingly soothing voice, but he didn't look at me or anything all he did was nod ever so slightly.

"Are you calm enough to tell me what the people you've mentioned did to you?" I didn't want to push past his comfort zone, but I also wanted to know what actually happened. He only waited a second, and shook his head.

"Not yet.." Is all I could hear him say without him moving to tell me anything more. I didn't respond and kept him held close to me. I was about to say something until I looked down at him and realized he had quickly fell asleep on top of me. I sighed before picking him up gently walking to his bed, and setting him down, then I looked at the window. I guess I have to go out the window so I don't make too much noise leaving. I walked over to the window opening it, and jumping out then turning around and closing it once again. I then Chaos Controlled back to me and Rouge's house immediately into my room thinking about what had just happened. Should I check what his memory was just to.. make sure it wasn't too bad? I thought to myself before taking out my phone and opening the notifications I got about it.

Also I'm really happy that I've actually stayed on schedule for uploading so well, and ahead of time!

In The End: Nobody Can Win. (Some Shadonic)Where stories live. Discover now