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6 years later

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6 years later.

It was midnight, as Aein studied alone inside her room. She lived in an apartment that was rented by Jihye's parents, which means Jihye and Aein are housemates. Since Jihye's parents also love Aein, they allow her to live with Jihye.

The good benefits of it are that Jihye won't have to live alone and have her comfortable company to live with.

Jihye's parents treated Aein like their own daughter, as they always bought something nice for her and Jihye.

As the night was quiet, the air was cold– Aein didn't realise that the time flies so fast that the time now shows 5:00 AM in the morning. She sighed and closed her ipad and computer.

She then wore her uniform and off to the living room waiting for Jihye. Jihye then came out from her room and saw Aein in a gloomy state.

"You don't sleep again, am i right?" Jihye asked, and Aein shrugged

If she said yes, Jihye would nagged at her nonstop.

"I sleep fine, thank you for asking," Aein replied,

"You can't lie with that dark circle under your eyes." Jihye shoots, and Aein just gives her a sheepish smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you that sleeping is important for your health. What if during Professor Kim surgeon, you might fall asleep?" Jihye nagged,

"Fine, I won't do it again," Aein replied, "Yeah, you say that to me, but stay up all night again,"

"I was studying–"

"Wasn't it you who say, 'it is okay to take a rest' bla bla bla on the student representative speech? Yet you couldn't even do that to yourself??"

"Yeah, let's not bring that up," says Aein.

As the two make their way down the apartment and to the outside, a sudden horn that loud enough for them startled their poor heart– soon they shoot a glared to the person who do that.

It was none other than the one and only male friend they had.

"Yah, Park Jongseong! Don't do that," the two girls said in unison,

Jay laughed, loving the girls' startled face.

"Get in, girls," He said, and the girls roll their eyes but eventually get inside his car.

"I swear Jay, if you do that again, we won't hold back anymore," Jihye stated, which only made Jay laugh even harder.

"You two should see your face earlier,"

Aein and Jihye have been friends with Jay since they were in their first year in the medical school. Jay was the first one to greet Aein and Jihye when they arrived. They soon hit off immediately and have remained close ever since. They are like the three musketeers.

They are like brothers and sisters, but from different parents. Jay also always tells people that Aein and Jihye are his secret sisters that nobody knows about.

Jay's parents also treat both Aein and Jihye like their own daughters. Whenever they came home from travelling or work trips, they would always bring something for both Aein and Jihye.

Jay is known as the funniest one among their peers as he is always goofing around, but Aein knows that underneath all that is a super genius guy. Both Aein and Jihye never seen Jay studying, but he has always managed to come out on top of their class. So far, no one is able to beat him.

That's why Aein is always studying. It's not that she's jealous of Jay's GPA 4.00, but she misses the feeling to achieve the perfect GPA again. She may have had it once, but it's not always,

Seeing Jay having that grade always makes her feel challenging— but in a good way, of course. She could not dare to hate Jay as he was her close confidant  and sparring partners.

At the end of the day, all of them completed their foundation training. Jay and Aein want to pursue oncology while Jihye is planning to continue with the core surgical training.

"Do you guys remember when I told you about my childhood friend?" Jay asked,


This friend of Jay grew up together with him, and their families have been friends for the longest time. From the way Jay talked about him, he seemed to look back to his childhood memoirs of him with his friend.

The look of adoration was clearly shown on his face.

For that sake of Aein, she simply cannot remember his name even though Jay had mentioned it a couple of times before.

"I'm having a small party in my apartment later, like a small gathering with a few friends. i want you two to meet him."

"He'll be paying a visit for a week. Is it alright with you two?"

"Yeah, sure, i'll go," Jihye answered, and then both of them looked at Aein.

"Uh, we'll see. I felt like I wanted to–

"Study? Come on, you should come too! You needed a rest."

"Fine, I'll go in a bit. You can go there first, Jihye. "

"Really? we can go together, though. "

"I have few things to do, but I promise to come!" says Aein,

"You better be, or else you will buy me chocolate for a year!" Jay said outloud,

which makes Aein smack his head.

"What is that for??!!" Jay rub his head,

"I prefer going than have to buy you chocolate," Aein said, and Jay chuckled.

"Good girl"

the story tend to be a bit boring, and im sorry. but i hope you'll like it anyways <3

have a good day everyone ^^

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