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For 3 days straight, Aein and Jake have been to a lot of places, enjoying the dates that Jake promised to bring her

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For 3 days straight, Aein and Jake have been to a lot of places, enjoying the dates that Jake promised to bring her. But as day passes, Aein conditions are getting worse and worse.

At one point, she asked Jake whether he could handle her when she's standing on her weakest point, he answer it with his fullest smile, saying he'd do anything to catch her if did fall.

It was a regular day as nothing much happened today. Jay then went to check Aein, as he suddenly missed her. He gets inside her room to only see her crying alone as she lays on her bed.

It makes him wonder why and worry at the same time.

"Aein, are you okay?"

Aein attention moved to him, although it was a bit blurry for her to see him. She knew it was Jay. She immediately sits up and wipes off her tears,

Sniffing her runny nose, she then looked up at Jay. "J-jay, i don't think I can handle any more pain. I think im getting so weak to the point that i can't walk anymore. My legs can't hold the weight of my body, and i can't feel it either." She cries,

"Can I stop my chemo?" she pleaded.

This is it. Jay thought.

The moment where Aein finally accepted her sickness, where she doesn't care about what will happen in the future, even if it means it would end her life. She accepted the death and what had been fated to her.

This is what Jay worried about because of her medicine, and her therapy was what kept her alive today- but now she gave it all up.

"I can't let you go yet, Aein. Please hold on, just for a few weeks more.." Jay pleaded back to her, holding his tears as he didn't want to cry anymore.

Aein held his hand, crying. "Jay, please." She begged him,

"We can't, Aein. We can't let you go now. The treatment must go on, not matter what-"

"It's painful, Jay."

"It's more painful to keep acting like I'm alright all the time when I'm slowly dying."

"Don't let me live on tubes or on a machine. And if my existence is going to be on drugs and painkillers, just let me go now,"

She cried to him.

Jake, who was listening through the whole conversation, can't help but silently cries as he heard Aein pleaded to such things.

He doesn't want to let her go either.

He wants her to hold on for a bit.

"Jay, if that what she wants, let her." Jake said, coming inside the room, as his eyes reddened, yet he pretended as if he didn't cry just now.

Aein looks at Jake, with sadness fill her eyes. She wasn't expecting Jake to be on her side, but she was glad he accepted her choice.

"Jake, why did you say that? you don't love her anymore that you let her go now??" Jay asked in disbelief,

Jake heart tightened inside his chest.

"No, Jay. I love her so much to the point that I have to let her go. People said if you truly love someone, let them go, and im doing that. As much as i want her to stay, i can bear watching her in pain anymore." Jake explained.

Jay couldn't say anything as Jake had a point. He only sighed heavily and looked back at Aein,

"I can't bear watching you in any pain either, Aein-ya. If this is what you want, then I'll tell Dr.Kang about you stopping the chemo." Jay said without looking at her. It pained him to let her go.

"Jake, will you accompany her as she will fall into an extremely weak condition in 2-3 days?" Jay asked,

"I will always be here for her, Jay."

"Will you be ready to face the possibility?"

"i- I'm not sure about that, but hopefully."

"Take care of Aein." With that, Jay leaves the room.

Jake sighed and looked at Aein, who was still in tears. seeing the woman he love cries, broke his heart into pieces. With that, he immediately let her fall into his embrace, hugging her in his warmth, letting her tears wet his clothes.

In whatever the possibility that is going to happen to Aein, Jake is ready to face it, although it's going to hurt him in so much pain- he bear it just to stay with the person he love.

As Aein laid down, she just stared at Jake as he stared back at him. Looking at her, he lovingly. He then held her hand and caressed it with his thumb softly.

His stare was full of love, warmth, and comfort. She could dive inside it and drown deeper. She was so lucky to have him until she realised he wasn't that lucky to have her.

She sighed softly,


I'm sorry I couldn't be a wife to you. I really want us to work out, but im so sorry this happened to you. I'm so sorry you found someone like me, Jake.."

Jake attention was now fully on her,

"Nam Aein, you are the greatest soul I ever found. Just like you, I wanted this relationship to work out. There's nothing to be sorry.

I chose you in all women I've met. Do you know how lucky I am to have you in my life? even if it's only for a while, I'm glad I met you. Im glad God sent me to meet you.

Even if its not much, God lent you to me.

I know you wanted to push me again and again so that I will find someone else, someone I can live longer with, someone I can spend my forevermore with. Aein sweetheart, why would I need someone else when I already have you?

Don't you get it? Out of many people I can date, I only want you. I laid my eyes and heart just for you so that I could never look at someone else.

Aein, saying eight letters itself won't be enough to describe my love for you. It was more than the words itself. I love you, and that's all that matters to me.

Nam Aein, my love, I said this again to you,

will you marry me ?"

He asked as he took out a marriage form with a pen. Wanting Aein to sign up the form in order to make their relationship official before making out the certificate.

"Why would i search for another,

When you're my forever?"

" i kept on asking myself that, and all that i know for now

-I want you to be my wife in all cost."

Aein can't help but to let her tears fall. It wasn't just a tear, it was pure happiness. She couldn't be more thankful than meeting the one she need in her life.

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