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The four of them seated on the fold-up chair, circling the campfire

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The four of them seated on the fold-up chair, circling the campfire. They were busy chatting and laughing as if there's no tomorrow. Burning up a marshmallow while each telling a stories.

Under the starry night sky, it was more than a word fun. If only Aein could describe it well, tonight is such a memorable moment for her. These little things could be fun and somehow mattered the most.

Camping used to be scary for Aein as she didn't know about the basics and how to survive in the middle of nowhere without any connection sources around them.

But with them, she felt different. She wasn't afraid of camping anymore as she found it amusing and safe. It's comfortable for her, only when she has these dorkies company.

"Do you know one time, little jay used to make a lot of lame jokes. But nobody understands his jokes, while Jay alone dying in laughter. I didn't understand either, but i laughed along because i thought Jay laughter was funny. " Jake explained while laughing.

Jay, on the other hand, covered his face, slightly laughing too. "Yeah, don't remind me about that," Jay stated,

the girls also laughed, "You still do make lame jokes," Aein added, chuckling.

Jay rolled his eyes in joking manner, "Well, I thought it was funny."

Nothing is fun than reminiscing a bittersweet childhood, as it all remains as a mere memory now. Some people do wish to go back to the old days, but some aren't because some couldn't have so-bright-happy memories.

The night soon goes on. They were again talking about some random topics that make them smile and laugh.

Without realising, Jake secretly steals a glance on Aein. For some reason, he didn't know why he did so. He even happened to find her attractiveness as she laughed– he thought that she was very beautiful.

It was weird for him. His chest feels off and heavy. Seeing her so beautiful, ache him. He couldn't understand these feelings, as it lowkey pained him.

What are this feeling ..

Is she too pretty that it's hurt ?

As morning came, Aein was the first one to wake up. Today is the last of their camping before all of them go back to their normal routine and life.

She did a little stretch and decided to take a walk around, just to admire her surroundings and the greenery nature. The morning air was a bit too refreshing. Oh, how much she wanted to wake up every day just to inhale these air.

Something about it feels peaceful and relaxing, as it throws away all her worries and stress. It makes her feel relieved. She smiles to herself, enjoying the last free day before she's going to suffer back to hell, aka the hospital.

A zipper sound came from behind, making Aein turn her head in a swift, just to see Jake coming out from the tent. Jake flashed her a slight smile before he walked towards her.

"You are early," he said, and Aein shrugged.

"it's a habit," she replied, and he nodded.

"Well, we had something in common, I guess?" He assumed, and the girl beside him chuckled.

"Common? you meant being an early bird as a habit?" She asked, and Jake nodded.

"Yup. we are early birds duo now. " He joked, making Aein laugh a bit at his randomness.

"There's a pretty hill up there. Do you want to go? it a small hill so it wouldn't take a lot of time to reach there," he asked, Aein then looked at him with an amused face of her.

"Wait, that's cool! Let's go, let's go, let's go!!" She said excitedly. Pushing Jake forward so that he could lead the way.

It took them 20 minutes to arrive up the hill, as they were up there, Aein fell into awe, looking at the scenery below from up where she is.

"It's so beautiful," she stated while admiring the scenery around her.

She was so busy that again she didn't realise the constant glances Jake took of her, secretly. Jake had to admit it now that he hated these weird feelings inside him. It aches every time he looks at her.

He couldn't understand it. Why does it aches, and why does it have to be her?

He clear his throat, gaining Aein attention immediatly

"Is everything okay?"

"my heart hurt– but i assume it's my chest but i don't know"

Aein face changed into a worry expression, "Im a doctor, well practically i am-. So tell me since when you are feeling the pain?"

"It was nothing serious, don't worry"

"No don't say that, it could be something"

It hurts because of you.

but it sound stupid to blame you for this kind of pain when you did nothing—

"Im the future oncology, who knew something could be growing inside you–

"Hey, no no. Cannot say that"

"Then what's the point of telling me your heart hurts"

"It was the chest"

"Yeah, you assume." she answered sarcatically.

"But im really fine, it just a simply come and go aches"

"Yup sounds like there's really a problem there,"

"Hey i told you don't, you might jinx it"

"Fine, if you insist. But if you need check ups, you can go to me or Jay if you prefer him"

"Oh, about that i don't think i have time though, i had to fly back to Australia tomorrow" Jake explained,

"You live there?! why you never mention it before?"

"Yes i live there. I thought Jay might have told you about it? as far as i know, im only come for a visit here" Jake said,

"Jay never–

Then she remembered an old story from Jay, when he was story-telling about his childhood friend, Jake. 'Jake lived in Australia, i kind of miss him that we lived far apart now'

oh. she thought.

"I assumed he did mention it,"

"He did but i don't remember it quite well since my memories box is quite packed with these notes and more,"


"So, will you come to Korea again?"

"I don't know, if i were less busy then im sure i'll come back. But it was far, so it wasn't easy to always come here and back"

"Yeah, who like suffering with jetlag" she randomly joked,

Jake grinned.

"We should head down now, the two might be searching for us and thought that we've been kidnap, and gets worry"

"Oh that is sooooo Jay" Aein joked again, in a sarcastic way. They look at each other and burst out laughing, as they thought the same.

Jay's worried face. Of course.

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