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Day 1 of 7

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Day 1 of 7 .

Hi Aein , I know it was too sudden to give you a bouquet of roses but I hope you like it! I don't know what your favourite flower is.

As far from what I heard from Jay, please don't throw my flowers for you :(  Please keep it on a vase of water, don't let it dry, or it'll wither away.

I know you're working very hard today and so on, and let me tell you this, you're doing amazing! I'm sure you want to thank me but don't contact me or ask Jay for my number ! Not yet for now, hahaha.

Sincerely, Jake

Reading the letters was full of smile on Aein's face. She can't help but wonder why she deserves this kind of treatment. Was it a good thing or not, that she grows fond on him.

She hasn't told Jay about her little tiny feelings because she wasn't so sure about it. She's scared with the feelings to fall in love, even at the thought of it terrifying her. She avoided it throughout her life.

Now that she finally happened to feel it, she tried to open up her heart slowly. It wasn't easy to open up for it, but at least she felt it now.

"Day 1 of 7. I assume there's more to come then," She said and smiled cynically.

She carried the bouquet on her hand and took a smell of it.  Then, she set it aside before continuing her works.

"I had to buy a vase for that," she lowly muttered while staring at the flower again. She can't help herself but to automatically crept a smile.

Jake on the other country, would feel anxious every minute of his life. Thinking about her makes him feel uneasy. This longing feeling inside his heart wants to see her so bad.

"No, Jake. Keep it together. "

"Wait, have the bouquet arrived?"

"Was she surprised by it?"

Gasping loudly, "Does she even like it??"

The worried expression soon coloured his face.

His secretary Terry was looking at him all the time, wondering why his boss acted so weird lately. He chuckled lowly, looking at his worried boss.

Jake then took a seat on his desk and decided to proceed with his work instead of thinking about her.

"My God, what is wrong with me?"

With that, he took his phone and dialled Jay's number.

It took a minute before Jay answered it, "What is it now?" asked Jay on the phone,

"Can you be my little spidey spy?"

"What are you up to, Sim Jake?"

"Uhh, I kind of hired someone there to send things for Aein. Today, I sent her a bouquet of red roses. I don't know if it will arrive already or not. Can you please check it for me and keep me an update on whether she likes it or not???? But please do not ever mention her about me asking this" Jake rapped, due to his anxious feelings.

Jay laughed, "Ohh, you're dare to secretly make a move on my girl now, huh?"

"Wait, don't tell me you also have feelings for Aein?Jay?" Jake asked, worrying that he could betray his dear friend.

Jay laughed again, "Of course no, I love Aein, but not in that way, and i will go check it for you, don't worry."

Jake exhales a relief sigh, "Thank you a lot, Jay!"

Just as the called ended, Jay went to Aein's office right away. To complete his job as a little spidey spy for Jake, he wasn't sure why he agreed on doing this, but yeah, it happened.

"NAM AEIN!" Jay shout as he burst inside Aein's office to surprised her.

The poor heart of Aein was startled, she can't help but glare annoyingly at her friend.

"Yah, what is that for!!"

Jay smiled and shrugged, "Whatcha doing girl?" he asked, as he went towards her– until his eyes stuck on a bouquet flower beside her.

It must be it!

"Oh? Red roses? Since when are you keeping flower from your fans, you usually throw them," Jay asked, as if he didn't know who was it from.

Aein looked at it then at Jay. She was a bit hesitant to tell him, but she did it anyway,  "It's from Jake. You know, i won't randomly throw it away from the people i know."

"Correction, people I love." Jay teased her, suddenly pink tinted blushed on her cheeks.

"No, I don't like him–

"Ohh, is Aein single season will end here?" Jay teased again,

"YAH, it's not like that!!"

"Mhm kay, whatever it is, I'll get going now," Jay said, and then left the room.

Which, he also leaves Aein in confusion.

"He came here just to tease me and leave? what's wrong with people lately..."

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