Friendship? (Prologue)

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Chattering of loud voices finally ceases as Sai walks out of the courtroom behind Satya. 

The day had risen in her favor. Mahadev blessed her with victory, victory to the truth, victory to the one who is noble. Pakhi's false allegations, blaming her for performing her hysterectomy in order to get revenge, could have torn her medical license, her dreams from her. She had been trying to save her life, even though Pakhi was trying to steal her son from her. 

It is maddening to Sai, that Pakhi is still after her, destroying her life whenever possible. If not for Vinayak... she would never bear such an insult to her intentions. 

She knows that it was wrong for her to perform surgery on a family member. Especially one who married Virat, Sai's ex-husband. But at that moment, as a doctor, she honored her oath, and saved the life of a patient, who was dying.

And bless Satya's soul. Had he not gone all out and interrogated Pakhi, Sai may have landed in a real fix. 

And Virat... maybe-

"Sai!" Virat chases after her. "You did it Sai."

She turns her head to look at the father of her children, and passes him a half-hearted smile. "We did do it Virat. Because my reasons to perform her hysterectomy were unbiased and noble. I would rather she be alive and at your side, than dead."

"Sai you know I..." He halts, immediately rewording what he was going to say. "I didn't think you were at fault."

"Yes, I know Virat." she whispers, adjusting the pallu of her saree. He proceeds to explain what his intentions were when he came to speak in her favor in front of Satya, and he wished her case no further harm when he came there.

"It's not your fault." she whispers, wanting to end their conversation. 

 "Look. I know Pakhi was not kind."

"Far from kind Virat. She wanted to destroy my life."

"And I want to make up for that."

"I wonder how."

"I want to rekindle our friendship Sai, for the sake of our children." he admits, holding out a hand. 

 Sai's eyes widen, the memory of the last time she even thought of friendship with him.

...when a person's confidence is broken, everything falls apart. After breaking my confidence in our friendship, our relationship, our love, you have destroyed me.

Does this man deserve her friendship? Does he deserve her respect? Does he deserve her trust? No. No he doesn't. He doesn't deserve any of the attention she gives. He doesn't deserve the kindness she provides him by not filing a case against him and Pakhi for keeping Vinayak with them even though he is her son. 

"Sai, are you not going to-"

"No Virat." she firmly states. "But I wish for no more conflict. Not from my side. Not from your side. You have no reason to interfere in my life, and I in yours. And friendship will not help us keep apart. So, I say we stay out of each other's business." 


"Is it a deal Virat?" she huffs, wanting him to answer straightforwardly.

He's hesitant. So hesitant, he almost leaves when Kaku shouts his name from the parking lot. He also knows it's the only proposition he will get from her side. So when weighing both decisions, he decides on agreeing. 

"It is." he smiles, shaking her hand. "Do you need a ride home?"

Sai rolls her eyes. "You are already violating our non-aggression pact."

"Sorry." he whispers, slightly saddened by the loss of her hand in his. "Have a good day."

"By the way... thank you. For bringing those people from Kankavli." she nods, waving at him as he walks away.

"I'm always at your service."

And like that, he disappears, leaving Sai to think of how to approach Satya. Lucky for her, he is already leaving, giving her reason to keep it short.

Doctor Satya Adhikari. The young doctor, probably not even a year senior Sai, pauses in his position immediately. 

"I see you have got rid of your blazer." she  points out awkwardly, trying to start a conversation. "I don't think it is a good idea to ride a motorcycle in a white button down."

He shrugs, tying his coat onto his neck like a cape. "It is not a big deal to me Dr Joshi. I wear these once and then throw them into the, 'I will eventually get these to the dry cleaners' pile. You've seen my normal wardrobe. I couldn't care less!" 

"Yes..." she narrows her eyes, amused by his show of disregard for his clothes. "Are you going into work?"

Satya, mildly irritated by her question, retorts, "No, I am going on a joyride through Nagpur. Want to join me?"

"Sorry." she mutters, pulling her hair behind her ear. "I just... I wanted to thank you. For everything. If you hadn't done all that for me-"

"I did it for the sake of our career's reputation Dr Joshi." he interrupts her. "She was dragging a doctor's name through the mud, and from what I could gather, neither you or Dr Pulkit were at fault. So, I did what was required."

Sai smiles, grabbing her wrist and lowering her gaze. "Still. I am indebted to you."

Satya shrugs, putting on his helmet. "I will have you return the favor someday Dr Chidku Joshi. For now, I have to get going."

"I'll see you tomorrow?" she says.

"You better believe it."


I just wanna say, I love Satya.

I hope the writers don't make him negative, because now that Pakhi is getting closer and closer to leaving, they need an antagonist. 

Satya is adorable and sweet, and we don't need another psycotic lover, but we need a good lead opposite Sai. 

I swear to god, if Sairat gets back together, I will personally get a petion signed to throw the damned show out the fucking window. 

Votes and comments are appreciated! 


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