Difference Between a Man and A Boy (Rewritten Chapter)

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"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down." — Oprah Winfrey


The sky is dark, stars twinkling behind the thin layer of clouds. Her car window is down, her hand placed outside.

A smile plays childishly on Sai's lips, the image of Satya crocheting not leaving her mind. His quick quips, attempting to discourage his family from shipping them. Sai does indeed find it quite amusing that they are even thinking of them as a possible couple. Her mood though, is immediately ruined, as the cab pulls up in front of Chavan Niwas. She gets out, protectively clutching her bag after handing the driver his fee.

After a long day of returning to work, awkward moments with Satya's family, and a conversation to make sure he is actually fine, Sai finds herself tired enough to collapse onto the couch and sleep there. Unfortunately for her, this is not her own house, so she cannot do

The moment she approaches the stairs, Virat rushes down the stairs, into the drawing room.

"Sai, what took you so long to come home today?" Virat asks nervously, still in his blazer and jeans. He looks worried, his hand clutching his phone.

She answers very simply. "I went to Doctor Satya's house after work."

His face immediately sours at the mere mention of her colleague. "Dr Satya? Do tell me why you were with him?"

Not surprised by his questioning, she shrugs. "No. It shouldn't matter whether I went to meet doctor Satya or anyone else in that matter, for professional or personal reasons Virat. My personal life is none of your business."

"I was asking because Savi wanted to see you before she went to bed." Virat excuses himself, crossing his arms. "You should know how irresponsible it is to ignore your daughter for... a man."

Sai rolls her eyes. "Good night Virat. I am really not in the mood for an argument about my life with you."  

"Fine. Keep your secrets." he seethes, as she turns away from him. "It was my mistake for worrying about you."

"I didn't ask you to worry about me." Sai shoots back. "If anything it is your fault for being so obsessed with the time I come home."

"Fine. I won't."

"Thank you and good night." she repeats, with a bit more force this time. Pushing past Virat, she goes to her room, ready to fall asleep and forget about this entire encounter. 

Trying her best to quietly slip into bed without Savi catching her attention, Sai pulls on a second blanket. 

"Aai?" her daughter's voice whispers, her large eyes fluttering open. "You're home?"

Sai smiles, and she caresses Savi's hair, while she wriggles into her mother's embrace. 

"I am home little one. How was your day?"

"Pakhi auntie, baba, and dada all made sandwiches with me today. They were really tasty. Pakhi auntie is really nice to me now." Savi replies sleepily.

Sai tenses. Why is Pakhi suddenly so kind to Savi? What could that woman possibly want from her now? It was practically yesterday when Pakhi hated them in every way possible.

"Aai, are you okay?" she asks.

"Yes dear. I am fine."


That night Sai's mind wandered left and right. From her toxic encounter with Virat and her sweet, relaxing interaction with Satya. To the entire deal with Vinu.

The moment she stepped into the house, she was yelled at by him, for a reason beyond her understanding. And when she was with Satya? He made her laugh like no other man in the entirety of the world. His smile, is childish antics, and how he plays along with her, leaving her in splits. 

She knows Aaba's probably looking down at her right now and smiling, seeing the lovely, sweet Sai back in her normal self. 

He's in every way, like her. How he mocks others, how he behaves kindly with those around him. His tendencies to be sarcastic, and his random outbursts of excitement. 

And then there's Virat. The overly hormonal, equivalent of a teenage boy, ex-husband. He values his own happiness, his own emotions, his own comfort over everyone else's. 

Everything about him makes her hate his guts. His random interest in her life, his insults, his constant bereavement of her. His ignorance towards even Pakhi. It's ridiculous!

If he left Sai and Savi for Pakhi, at least care about her! He is out of his mind for thinking Sai values him more than his own wife. If Pakhi's obsession with him isn't enough to provide him with love, her realistic means should be less than enough. 

Satya cares for her, despite their chaotic introduction to each other. Virat, despite their relationship being more than a decade old, is more rude to her than ever. 

While Satya is mature, open, honest, respectful, empathetic, affectionate, and humorous, Virat is the child equivalent of him, who nods yes to anything anyone tells him to do.

One is a matured man, who had probably seen more struggle in life than Virat.

One climbed his way to success. And the other? 

He was handed everything as though it was a birthright of his.

That is the difference. 

One is a man. The other is forever a boy.


Former Note:

For those of you who have not watched it yet:

I am freaking screaming at the top of my lungs in excitement. I know this will be the only good part tho (hopefully not), attesting to the fact, how stupid the show writers are.  

God bless Satya Adhikari. That man is literally the best in the whole world!

I am officially a Saiya shipper, and this book, is now fully dedicated to that cause. 

Sairat can literally be thrown out the window, I do not give a flying f*** about them. 

This wedding means Ayesha gets more scenes, the Bhatts more happiness, and Harshad, some actual purpose to the storyline. 

He is now my favorite character. 

Please do vote and comment! Every reaction is appreciated


New Note:

I Just rewrote the entire chapter, so, hopefully you enjoyed it. I changed my mind about how I started it, and decided to branch it off today (April 3rd)'s episode and precap instead of yesterday's. 

This makes it feel a bit less fast paced. 

Do drop a comment!


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