A Warning

553 51 22


"How's Patralekha?" Sai asks, stopping in front of Dr Deshmukh. She had just come out in search of Satya, to go to lunch together, and decided to ask Dr Deshmukh of Patralekha's condition. Since she found out Vinayak isn't her son, she's decided it is best if Patralekha is well eough to care for her son. Of course she's not abandoning him, because she thinks of him as her own son, and it doesn't matter that they are not related by blood. Only now, her hope of Vinayak ever accepts her as his mother had fled, and with the amount he loves (and for some reason resembles) Patralekha, it is only healthy for her to step away and let the mother-son stay together.

The middle-aged man, smiles, and pats her shoulder. "You don't worry. She'll be fine eventually. There are signs of recovery, which as you know, means she will be close to normal soon enough."

"I read the file. Is she... will she..."

"Have trouble with talking and quick movements for a little while? Yep. It'll only take a little more time for her to get that back. But she will be fine." Deshmukh explains with a kind smile. He stares at her conflicted expression. "Will you be telling the Chavans?"

Sai breaks out of her trance and takes a few moments to register the question. When she does, she simply laughs. "I think that is your job. I've been staying at Sheetal's for a couple of days while the deal for my new flat closes."

"Well in that case I better go give a status update to them!" he exclaims happily, leaving her behind.

She grins at his jovial personality, and shakes her head.

"Hey Partner." Satya greets nudging her shoulder from behind. Sai turns to face him, and smiles.

"Why hello Dr Adhikari. Fine day for some street food?"

Satya laughs, walking side by side with her. "Oh you don't have to ask me twice."

"Well, I'll be paying in that case." she whispers, opening up her purse, and searching for any cash.

"You realize I was kidding last night, right Sai?" He purses his lips. "I am well off enough to pay for my own food."

Sai looks up, slightly surprised. "Well I want to pay."

"What kind of an independent man would I be if I made you pay for me?" Satya teases, elbowing her gently.

"Well, I still want to pay for your food." Sai insists, taking out her phone from her bag. "Now, where do we eat lunch today?"


Virat finally built up the guts to go check on Pakhi today. It's been a week since the incident.

He didn't mean to get angry. He didn't mean to thrash the room. But the moment the words "if you don't want to divorce me, you can go to hell" came out of his mouth, he knew he made a mistake. Next you know, she had banged her head in the wall like a madwoman, and threw a tantrum.

Adjusting the sling for his arm, he takes a deep breath, getting out of the car with Mohit.

"Ready dada?" he asks. Virat nods calmly, and follows his younger brother into the hospital building.

He was here more than a week ago, getting stitched up. Flashes of Sai rejecting him, and leaving, appear before his eyes. He cringes at the fact he had thought he was in the clear to propose to her. She doesn't want him in her life anymore, and it couldn't be any more clear.

Yet he doesn't believe it. That Sai doesn't love him anymore. She has taken him back a million times before, then why not now? Why can't she?

"Dada, hurry up." Mohit urged, stopping in the middle of the hallway, slightly annoyed at Virat's slow pace. "I need to get to work, since Vahini is in the hospital."

"I'm walking!" Virat shouts, irritably. "What, do you want me to teleport?"

Mohit rolls his eyes, at the tone of his voice. After climbing a flight of stairs, they finally pause in front of a door. Through the small window, Virat could see Pakhi connected to many tubes. A middle-aged man stands over her, checking her vitals.

For a moment he feels guilty for her condition. Had he not over-reacted, she wouldn't have thrown the tantrum. But then he realizes she is solely responsible for her condition. He didn't beat her up, she hurt herself.

"Dada, aren't you going inside?"

Virat sighs, opening the wooden door. The doctor, med students, and nurse, look up at him, staring into his soul.

"I am Virat Chavan, Patralekha's husband." he introduces himself to the doctor. "How is she now?"

The doctor smiles. "Well, Mr Chavan, she has improved a lot since she first got here. There are many repercussions of her condition, of course, but they are not horrible-"

"Okay. I get it. She's recovering. Thank you for taking care of her." Virat blurts, interrupting him.

The doctor's smile falters, getting the memo, Virat wishes to remain with her alone for a few minutes. He leaves, the others in the room following him out.

"They're using you like you're a living specimen, aren't they?" Virat scoffs, grasping her hand. "I'll get you transported to a more reputed hospital later. You'll recover faster that way, I am sure."

It hurts when she doesn't respond. Mohit had explained her condition on their way here. She's in a coma.

"I don't get why you're so stupid sometimes." he shakes his head. "Why do you need to prove yourself an imbecile all the time."

The door creaks open once again. Virat raises his gaze, and sees Patralekha's parents standing at the entrance. A hand flies up to Vaishali's mouth, seeing Pakhi.

(Author Note: Honestly don't know if they're dead in the show or not. But they're alive here.)

"Virat, I don't think you are supposed to be here." Shailesh voices, his eyes conveying it in a stone cold manner.

"I am her husband-" he begins to argue.

"And I am her father. We know what happened. All of it. So don't you dare so much as look at her." Shailesh warns, his hand curling up into a fist. "You will only be hearing from our Lawyer from now on. Tell your family to stay away from her too."

Alert, Virat stands up. "What do you know?"

"Everything. So unless you want me to name each thing you have down, get moving."


No inspo honestly.

It's cool to find out ninad is not Satya's father. And that Vijayendra is Virat boss😂😂😂

This is a filler mostly, but I want to get back to writing before Ayesha and Harshad exit.

Love you guys, and do comment and vote!


(Vote goal-55)

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