The Complete Nutcase

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"I don't exactly hate you, but if you were on fire and I had water, I'd drink it." -Unknown


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Sai couldn't believe that the man in front of her is Virat. For 2 days, he disappeared off the face of the earth. And now he lies on the doorstep of Chavan Niwas, in his disheveled uniform, groaning in his drunken misery.

What an embarrassment he must be to his department for this AWOL behavior, running around drunk in a DCP's police uniform.

"Sai, you look beautiful." He comments, his eyes practically popping out towards her. "You look so pretty when you wear a nice saree."

Her nose scrunches up when those words leave his mouth, and she backs into Chavan Niwas again, shutting the doors. Savi sits at the table shoving poha into her mouth alongside Mohit, worrying that she's going to be late for school.

Once glance out the window, and Sai knows she's not going to be sending Savi anywhere with him moping around the exit to the house.

"Savi, you can relax with Vinu dada today, ok? I need you to help him take his mind off of Pakhi auntie." Sai shouts across the house. Bhavani's gaze shoots up from her food, and she raises her eyebrows.

"No let her go to school Sai." Bhavani begins, but Savi instead runs off excitedly from the table.

"Okay Aai!" she exclaims joyfully climbing the stairs.

Knowing her efforts are in vain, Bhavani looks back to her food. Surprised she didn't argue like usual?

Well, there's an interesting story behind that...

"Hello, ma'am get up." someone pats her shoulder. "This is a hospital, that's the doctor's seat, and you are a patient's family member. There is a reason why there are chairs in the hallway."

The foreign voice doesn't register in her head the first 8 times apparently, because next you know, a glass full of water splashes onto her face, breaking her out of whatever she's doing. Her eyes snap open, frantically searching for the culprit of this act.

"Mast a Mast! You are behaving rudely with me? Bhavani Nagesh Chavan?!" she shouts out the man in front of.

His lips are pursed, concealing whatever rude remark was begging to come out of his mouth.


"You are sleeping in a doctor's chair? You, a fake feminist with even faker jewelry?"

A snort escapes Sai's mouth, as she turns away with her hands covering her face. The man, who she assumes is another doctor, simply fakes a smile.

"Excuse me?"

"As a surgeon, I would determine that your face consists of at least 20 percent bullshit expressions, a smile that looks like a grimace, and I am 100 percent sure you have a girl with magical hair locked up in a tower to unlock eternal life. Lemme guess, you're around 300 years old? Oh my god are you a vampire? I never thought I'd encounter one in real life!"

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