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"Oh, you don't like being treated the way you treat me? That must suck."

Sai stood silent in the empty hallway, her eyes boring into Virat's face. Oh how she wished for her father to be alive right now to see his favorite student's pathetic behavior. He rambles on and on about how he loves her unconditionally. 

Just days ago he renewed his vows with Pakhi, literally in front of her, and now that he does not benefit from her, he is back to begging Sai for forgiveness like the weirdo he is. 

"You done yet?" Sai snaps, rolling her eyes. Her arms are crossed, her mood officially ruined due to him. "Because its beginning to get boring."

Virat stops halfway through his sentence the moment she says that, dropping his good arm to his side. "What?"

"I asked you, if you are done spewing your nonsense yet. Because I tuned you out 2 seconds into this bullshit. If I stand here any longer, I think I might even fall asleep." 

"You mean you just ignored me while I confessed my feelings to you?" Virat questions, puzzled at her disinterest in him. "Are you kidding me?"

"No I am not. You interrupted the conversation I was having with my friend, to convince me you love me?" Sai scoffs. "And you expect me to reciprocate? After all you have done to ruin my life, Virat Chavan..."

"Sai, I was going to ask you to marr-"

"Yeah, my answer is no. No way in hell am I going to marry you. No way I am going to love you back. No way I am going to sympathize with your bakwas. Plus, your psychopathic wife does not know yet. So, I'd rather not say yes for the sake of my sanity."

"I'll tell Pakhi soon enough, I promise Sai." 

"Shut up." Sai roars, putting up a hand. "I am done with your lies. You have a wife, you have a son, you have a family to look after. And so do I. You mention this again Virat, I swear in the name of the lord, I will leave your house, and file an FIR against you."

Virat tenses up at the mention of his name possibly being dragged through the mud. "Sai, please, don't do this to me."

"Virat, we are in my workplace right now. Don't ruin my reputation. Don't embarrass me." 

Once again, he is taken aback by her cold statement. What is wrong with her? He's never treated her like this recently. He's been nice, and sweet, and caring to her. He helped her settle back into normal life once again. Why is she so ungrateful? Why is she upset with him?

"Sai, are you going home?" he asks, rushing after her. He grabs her wrist in order to stop her from walking away.

Angrily she shakes his grip off, and glares at him. "Virat, do not forget your boundaries. I have a ride home. You find your own way of transportation. You still have to be debriefed, and my daughter wants to see me before she goes to sleep."

Dumbfounded, Virat stands frozen in the middle of the hallway. Did she just... reject him?


Sai embodies the very description of being hot-headed the moment she exits the hospital. Satya, slightly amused, watches as she stomps over to him, taking a helmet and putting it on her head.  

"Looks like he ruined your mood." Satya states, examining her expression. Her face is red in anger, as if someone stole her lolipop. "If you want to, you can tell me what happened in there."

Sai looks up to meet his gaze, and to his surprise he can detect... tears? What in the world did Virat do to the Dr Chidku he was talking to less than 15 minutes ago? 

"Hey, are you okay?" he asks, genuine concern in his eyes. And then she broke into tears. 

From what he could hear, she whispered she was a bad mother, a bad person, and extremely stupid, before cussing Virat out in every way possible. Satya felt disgusted, and honestly found the entire situation to be unexpected. Virat came off as a level-headed family man. When you manage to make Satya Adhikari surprised at your situation, you know it's gotta be bad. 

"I hate him. I want to kill him so badly for saying everything he did there. That pathetic maniac really thinks he can get me back by begging for forgiveness." she cries, her nose turning red. She could feel Satya's demeanor change, becoming more attentive, and more protective. 

Satya slightly uncomfortable hearing about the way Virat behaved, calmly asks her to take the helmet off, and walks her to a bench nearby. He begins with one short statement:

"You are not to be held accountable."

Then he added a second. "Virat's an idiot, who is misreading your respect."

And then he spoke his heart out, doing his best to ensure that her opinion about herself remains unchanged. "It is natural you would care for him. He is the father of not one but two of your children, and respecting him is one way you keep your co-parenting relation intact. But if he thinks you are in love with him because of that, then that is a problem for him to figure out. Your job is to care, and keep up appearances. If he wants to behave half retarded, then tell him to screw off. You have options. You can take your daughter and live in a safer place than his household." 

Sai nods, trying to process what he just told her. Maybe she needs to show she doesn't care about him whatsover. But what if he doesn't back off? What if he forces her to-

"Now, forget about that idiot. Let's go get Savi and take you two to an ice cream parlor." Satya pats her shoulder. "That's what we planned on doing earlier right?"


Well. I believe I need to apologize. 

5 days. I did not update for 5 days. And I am greatly sorry for that. 

This chapter was hard to write with the events going on in my personal life, but now that I am returning to my normal schedule (which now includes studying for state tests), I will try to update either everyday or every other day. 

Now, can we just talk about today's episode?

Amba and Bhavani are sisters. 

You read that right. They are sisters. Satya is Srimati Bhavani Nagesh Chavan's illegitimate nephew. That must be one hell of a task.

Where in hell did that come from? I wanna drown myself. Wtf. WTF. WTF.

Also Savi hates Virat now. And Vinu hates Virat now. Cause Virat's a psychopath who is physically/emotionally abusing Vinu's mother, and mentally/emotionally abusing Savi's mother, in front of them. 

Karma's a bitch XD

This is what you get for trying to sail in two boats. 

Anyway, thank you for reading this chapter. 

Thank you for bearing with me XD. ]

Hopefully you liked the chapter. 

And please comment and vote. 

-K.Kaur :)

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