Worth the Time

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"Friendship marks a life even more deeply than love. Love risks degenerating into obsession, friendship is never anything but sharing."Elie Wiesel


Satya could feel the cold creep back up to him after spending his entire evening eating Pani Puri in the rain. His clothes were soaked, and his hair was a mess. With the sneezing now coming along, he feels a hint of regret that he didn't care more for his health while out there.

Just a hint.

Because the rest made him feel better about his entire day. Imagine being dragged along by your older sister to the blind dates she set up for you, on your day off, and then just happening upon your only friend from work.

Kismat khul gayi meri. He thought to himself, telling Maddy quickly he's going to go say hi to a friend of his. Obviously, she didn't believe him, but let him off the hook anyway, not in the mood to question his choices when he spent his entire time rejecting the girls she introduced to him. Her face was red by the end of the last one, embarrassed by his childish behavior.

So, in the pouring rain, he decided he'd go say hi, maybe relieve his tension by talking to her about how it sucks to be part of a family like his. She too, clearly was having an uneventful day, just sitting in her car outside his neighbor's house.

To change things up for her a bit, he brought her to the Pani Puri stand, they had a blast, competing to see who could eat more than the other.

"They say not to eat pan puri during the monsoon for a reason." she had told him while walking back to his house. He had laughed it off, waving goodbye to her.

She seemed happier. Like her day had ended on a good note.

Well, that's what he had thought. Until he got that fateful call telling him to get to the hospital, and there was a family emergency she needed help with.


"Are you feeling ok?" Satya asks to Sai, scrolling through his contact list to call Dr Deshmukh. After a brief examination, it was obvious Pakhi is in a grave condition.

The kids had fallen asleep, both cuddling into Sai's arms like cubs in the warm embrace of a lioness. It was the second night since Pakhi was brought in, and Sai looked visibly drained by everything.

The rain hadn't stopped either, matching the worrying situation the trio in front of him are dealing with.

Sai had spent 2 nights here. Vinu has spent 2 nights here.

And where was Virat? Where was that phata poster nikla hero when he was needed for once? Seriously, Satya was starting to reconsider his opinion about this man's priorities. He came off as a dutiful man, a man with at least some type of morals.

But the more he reads into Virat, the dumber he sounds.

Satya had managed to draw a few words about the idiot from Sai once again, and the very idea of a high-ranking police official like him could possibly throw such a fit should've surprised him.

Did it? Hell no.

If anything it cements the idea he's a lazy jackass, who is only happy when it seems like the world revolves around him.

"I am fine Satya." she nods, moving her arm away from Vinu to take the cup of coffee Satya's offering her.

"Sai, you know you need to spend the night at home. Patralekha will be fine here, it is not your job to take care of her. You are not the one in charge of her health, that is Dr Deshmukh's job. And as far as I know, he's not here right now."

"What if he comes back? To hurt her?" Sai questions abruptly. "This man is nothing like the one I know."

"Who is the Virat you knew?" Satya asks, furrowing his eyebrows. "If he can hurt Patralekha, that means he must have hurt you at some point in time."

Her emotions shutter down the moment the words escape his mouth. He's hit a sensitive spot. A far-away look overcomes her eyes, staring Satya right back. Something twitches in her expression, and then finally snapping out of it, she takes a sip of her coffee.

"He... he... fine. You're right." she utters, forcibly. "I have been too kind to her. Someone else can come take care of her, it's not my job to. If anything, I believe she deserves what she's getting. I am not a doormat. All I am is the mother to a child he decided he doesn't care about unless he's benefited by her."

"You get Vinayak. I've got Savi." he states, lifting Savi off Sai's chest, and holds her. Savi's hand is placed on his shoulder, as he carries her out to Sai's car, while Sai helps a drowsy Vinayak walk out of the hospital.

Once the siblings are asleep and secured in the car, he takes Sai's hand in his own, and squeezes it.

"Look. I know what I said bothered you, and I am sorry. But it was needed. You need to accept that if an investigation opens up into Patralekha's condition, it is Virat who will be the prime suspect. I don't want you getting hurt if he's going to come back. Vinayak has the Chavans to care for him. And if you so choose, he's also got you. But you're Savi's only hope, and Virat is just as unqualified to care for Savi, as I am to become a lawyer."

Sai passes him a smile. "Thank you, Satya. You are doing things for me that no one else would. And I greatly appreciate it."

"Remember, dosti mein no sorry, no thank you." Satya quotes, returning the smile. "Now get going. I'll see you tomorrow."

Sai nods, getting into the driver's seat. Satya sighs in relief glad that she understands she is not, as she said, a doormat. Taking care of 2 children at the hospital while working, while trying to monitor the condition of another person, is not easy nor is it sanitary. Just as he begins to turn away, he hears her window roll down.

"And by the way Satya, I think you would make a great lawyer."


Thank you for patiently waiting for me to update! Just finished my bio exam, next is mathematics!

Love the wedding is happening soon in the show!

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