Life Does *Not* Suck

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"What is first love worth, except to prepare for a second? What does second love bring? Only regret for the first." – John Hay


Virat woke up that next day and chose violence apparently. Because he shoved open her bedroom door, his chest heaving in anger.

"What the hell were you doing out of the house with Savi after dark!" Virat shouts, grabbing her arm with his uninjured hand and pulling her out of bed.

Sai, still half asleep slaps his hand off her, and sits back down on the bed. "She asked for Ice Cream. I got her Ice Cream. Now, stop spreading your contagious negative energy everywhere and go to work. I doubt you will be useful there either, as the commissioner has mentioned before, but hey, it's always worth a try."

Virat, offended by her remark, contorts his face. "What the hell is wrong with you?"

Sai rolls her eyes, standing up and leading him out the door. "It's Savi's and my day off, she's sleeping in, and I want to as well. I listen to Satya crack at least 20 dad jokes everytime I see him, and I am trying to forget how bad they were. So please, don't start with your trash now. Good bye."

With a huge grin, Sai shuts the door on his face.

So now, the stupid Virat Chavan stands outside of her door, a day after getting rejected, completely roasted, and abandoned.

What in the world made her so flipping enthusiastic first thing in the morning?


Sai, having slept in an extra 5 hours until noon for the first time in weeks, got started with the day left ahead of her.

Savi's going on a playdate with her friend to the indoor playground, and she's definitely not staying in BS Niwas all day. Maybe she should go to the mall... or to the park for a walk in the rain. That would be refreshing.

So, she dresses Savi for her day, and then herself. Today's outfit consists of a cream colored kurta, a maroon dupatta, golden dangle earrings, and a pair of cream colored kitten (short) heels. The extra amount of time she put in getting made her feel practically invincible.

Who knew an extra ten minutes can help you feel more confident? She didn't.

When she went downstairs with Savi, she could feel the Chavans' appraise her attire with disdain.

"Where are you going today, that you are getting so dressed up?" Ashwini asks begrudgingly, taking a sip of her tea.

Pakhi simply waves at Sai for a greeting, her face displaying a neutral expression as Vinu runs to her for a hug.

"Good morning Doctor Auntie!" the 9 year old exclaims, embracing her tightly. He lets go after a few seconds, and looks up at her. "Where are you and Savi going?"

Sai smiles, putting a hand on her son's cheek. "Good morning Bada. Savi's going to a friend's house, and I am going to drop her off."

"Oh!" Vinu says, his mood dampening. "I thought we could play together today."

"Once it's time for me to come home, we can play, ok?" Savi consoles, hugging Vinu. "Bye Vinu Dada!"

Savi skips off in the direction of the exit, and bumps into her father, in full uniform, at the door.

"Hi Savi!" Virat says, placing a kiss on her forehead. "Sai, where are you two going on such a rainy day?"

"Savi has a playdate. I'm going to drop her off." Sai explains briefly.

"And then where will you go?"

"It's none of your business Virat." Sai declares, taking Savi's hand. "We'll be eating out, don't expect us to be home before dark."

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