The Cardiovascular Case

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"Giving your ex another chance is like reading a book a second time and expecting a different ending."-Some wise person on the internet


"Tell me something truthfully Dr Joshi, are you really not affected by my charm?"

A beat.

"This long line of girls you speak of, are you at the front of it?"

A beat.

"Dr Joshi, I know girls fawn over me. I mean... take yourself as an example. You are so impressed by me. You're out here flirting with a handsome young man like myself. You're listening to my type of music. Everytime you speak to someone, I come up in conversation. Does that mean I'll marry you?

A beat.

She had made her entrance into the canteen the same way he does everytime, when he comes into her cabin. She took his food, and recited every praise his mother had done of him the day prior when she visited their house.

He played along. He smiled. He even added his own contributions. But right now...

Sai felt trapped in her own body the moment Satya leaned down towards her. She could feel her heart beat harder with each millisecond. She was innocently trying to have fun, though she knew it had turned into unintentional flirting. And he had played along. The whole time

"Look. Maybe my charm makes girls hearts stop. Just as yours is right now. But that doesn't mean I will make any of them my own heartbeat. In fact..." He pauses dramatically, and lowers his voice. "no girl is worthy enough of that. Not even you."

Comically, he winks and then walks away. Everyone in the canteen stares at her awkwardly. Sheetal begins giggling quietly.

Sai could still feel the tension. She could still feel how close he had gotten, so close, she could still smell his cologne. And the sweat staining her forehead is proof how nervous she got in those 5 seconds.

His light brown had practically stared into her soul, perusing everything in the most intimate manner. The loss of contact left her feeling empty and completely open. 

Oh he is going to pay for this. He is so going to pay for this.


Virat really ruined her mood. Like, what in the world could he possibly not talk about over the phone, that he now has to take her somewhere. 

And what's even creepier? There's no internet or electricity there. 

She made it really obvious she doesn't want to go, but with his annoying nagging, she was forced to give in. So, to repair her mood, she finished coming up with a plan to get revenge on Satya for his earlier stunt that made her lose her grip on reality. 

It's his turn now. 

As her last patients make their way out, Sai leaves her cabin, taking her scalpel along with her in order to make her prank work. 

She quickly has Sheetal do her the small favor of announcing the presence of another patient, and then, she makes her entry with a bang. 

Its perfect. You start subtle, and tease him. 

And then you make him highly uncomfortable. 

And then you lean over him just like he did with you earlier, and then deescalate the entire situation by saying you were teaching him a lesson. 

And, man was his face worth seeing.


Virat had no clue what the hell was going on. He came here, was told by a nurse Sai was in Satya's cabin, and basically sprinted there, only to find Sai standing outside of it, waving goodbye to his biggest rival. 

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