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"If I had a flower for every time I thought of you, I could walk through my garden forever." — Alfred Tennyson

"And if I had a thorn for every time I wanted to kill you, I would have 3 thorns. I know that's not a lot, but it's weird you keep doing stupid shit that pushes me to feel like that." — Sai Joshi to Virat Chavan, probably


Sai sat back, staring at the food in front of her, still agitated by the situation brewing. Satya on the other hand, digs into the food like a hog, completely disregarding her presence. 

The poor thing must be starving if he is going to these measures to make sure his food doesn't run away before he eats it. 

"Dr Joshi, aren't you gonna eat?" Satya asks, swallowing a mouthful of rice. "The food's getting cold."

"Oh, Dr Satya, I think you might need it more than me." she grins, pushing forward her share of the tiffin. "Did you not have lunch today?"

"I did. But my sister ate most of it. So I decided I'd wait." he reasons, pushing back the food. "Now, will you eat it yourself, or do I need to do the entire 'here comes the airplane!' trick so you ingest something."

Sai shakes her head, giggling at his example. "No thank you Dr Satya. I think I am capable enough of using my own 2 hands to feed myself. Now, for you, I'd suggest a few napkins, and perhaps a trip to the bathroom."

"Don't tell me its that bad."

"You look like a toddler who decided to take a chomp out of a birthday cake." she points out, indicating the yogurt stuck to his lips. She proceeds to take out her phone and show him, before sputtering out a few more laughs at his condition. 

"Lemme see that." he reaches to grab her phone. Sai jerks it back immediately, her eyes widening as she examines her phone. 

"Ew, get your gruby, food covered fingers away from my brand new phone cover." she waves him off. 

Satya fakes an offended gasp. "How dare you insult my hands so, Dr Joshi?! I will report you to HR for insulting me in front of all of my colleagues."

They stay quiet for a solid 3 seconds. And then they both can't hold it in anymore, as their faces quirk and smirk in the oddest ways possible. 

Laughs quickly break out, echoing off the walls of the practically empty canteen, tears of laughter rolling down Sai's cheek as she grabs her forehead. Those who surround them turn to stare in dismay, offended by the, in their opinion, highly inappropriate behavior. 

Does that stop them? No. 

So what does stop them? Well, that would be Sheetal's intense entry to their table, wearing a grim look on her usually cheerful face.

"Ma'am, we just got news that the officer leading the mission, DCP Virat Chavan, has been shot, and is being brought here. The mission though, was initially a success." she informs, looking primarily at Sai. "The militants returned, took back their leader who was in custody, and shot a few of our staff while at it."

"So, in total, how many beds do we need?" Satya asks, wiping his face with the inside of his shirt. 

"3 medical staff, 2 officers, and the DCP." 

"6 beds. Got it." Satya nods, his expression now turning back to a much more serious one. "Dr Joshi, let's go." 

Sai gets up, but takes a spoonful of the bhaji in front of her, satiating her hunger for the solid hour of work ahead of her. A smile grows onto Satya's face as she throws him a thumbs up, complimenting the food he made. The appreciation readies him with energy as they step out back into the chaotic hospital halls. 

"Let's get this over with." they both say to each other in unison. 

(Author's note: OMG, I am getting my writing abilities back! :)


Virat sits in the hospital room as a nurse cleans the wound on his arm. The bullet grazed him, luckily not causing him too much damage. He also sprained his wrist while trying to get cover. These injuries are going to be problems when he will finally propose to Sai. 


He wants to propose to Sai. She's passed him enough signals to prove to him that she loves him still. The smiles. The handshake after the court battle. The fact she's staying in his house.

And that Satya... he will finally leave her alone. From what he has heard so far, that man is the biggest idiot she knows. God knows how he managed to become a doctor. He seems far too unprofessional, and careless for the job in his own opinion. 

He's sure Sai hates him just as much as himself. 

He winces in pain as the nurse pushes around the wound a bit too hard, while wrapping it. And when he opens his eyes, he sees Sai and Satya walking down the hallway throught the small window on the door. 

They are smiling, and laughing, both, with their white coats thrown over their forearms. A pain, much stronger than the one from his bullet wound, pierces through his chest. The moment the nurse says it's done, he flies off into the hallway, desperately running after Sai and Satya. 

"Sai!" he shouts, breathlessly. She turns her head, to reveal her gorgeous laughing face. 

"Virat?" she says, slightly disappointed at his interruption. "Satya, I'll see you tomorrow."

Satya gives her a high five, and continues down the hall, leaving only them behind. 

Sai could feel the walls begin to close in on her the further Satya went, and the closer Virat got. His expression creeped her out, as did his proximity. 

"How are you feeling?" she questions, looking at his bandage. 

"I'm alright." he assures, grasping her hands in his own. "Look Sai, I thought I was going to die today. And they say, when you are close to death, your entire life flashes before your eyes. You are my life Sai."


"No, let me finish. You, Savi, Vinayak, and I... I want us to be a family. I want to spend the rest of my days with you guys, because Sai, I love you."

Sai stared at him in shock, her jaw falling agape. As the words registered in her head, she fell further into a hole of disbelief. 

And then all she saw was red. 


Hola Mis Amigos/Amigas, 

I have finally completed a chapter! Now if you liked it, I would love for you to drop a comment. I love hearing your reviews and opinions. 

Now, we go to every problem in the show right now. 

Virat proposed, without telling Pakhi that he wants a divorce. 

He's planning romantic dinners, and all this bullshit, and doesn't care about his wife, who at this point in time, is dying of jealousy. 

Satya's family. Okay, you all are a bunch of cute teddy bears, but wth is wrong with you people? Threatening him to get married in 24 hours? Do girls grow on trees that he can just take one off and marry her? Honestly, at this point, I think at this point he should marry a tree XD

Sai's hesitance. Bitch, all ya gotta do is tell Virat to STFU, and reject him. No big deal. If you can say all of that shit to Pakhi, and defend yourself, you can say it to Virat too. 

Poor Pakhi's turning into one of Virat's victims XD

Now, do vote and comment!

See you in the next update!


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