Hate his guts

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"All this while I lived for your happiness, now I will live for my own. I hope karma makes you suffer, for the betrayal you have shown."


What the hell. 

Literally where in hell did he bring her?

Why here?

Now what, he's going to introduce her to the devil himself?

Everything here is more screwed up than she ever imagined.

Sai stared blankly at Virat as he showed her the decorations around them. This is how they spent their honeymoon, almost a decade ago. And now he brought her here again. What in hell is going on his retarded AF brain?

She's already, completely and entirely exhausted from her day. Not to mention she spent all of her patience when she interacted with Satya. Right now, this romantic dinner, really pushes her buttons. Yet, from somewhere in her body, she pulls out enough composure to deal with this boy's tomfoolery. 

The memories from their marriage come pouring back to her, causing her heart to burn. Why is he doing this to her?

"Virat..." she sighs, glaring at him. "What is all of this?"

"Remember, when you got hungry, and we decided to stop on the roadside to eat noodles, and had milk?"

"I mean what are you doing all of this for?" Sai calmly asks. "You should know by now, I am in no way interested in being involved with things like this from my past. I don't want to relive these memories."

"No Sai, some memories can be relived. Some memories are made to be relived." Virat states. 

"Life and its memories are a 1 way lane virat. You can't go back. The things that are done... are well... done. There is no reason to revisit them." she reasons, more uncomfortable than ever. Tears begin lining her eyes as painful memories flash in front of her. No. He abandoned her. He can't reverse it now.

"Not everything is meant to be let go Sai. Including moments like that." he counters, matching her tone. "Sometimes it is better to revisit them. Especially when there is good reason."

Sai opens her mouth to argue, but is stopped by Virat.

"I know what you want to say Sai, but you have to hear me out first." he whines. "Please give me a chance to explain."

"No, I don't want to hear any type of explanation." she shakes her head emotionally. Not right now. She cannot deal with this man right now. 

So she turns away from him, wanting to desperately erase every memory they have together. She wants to forget their wedding ceremony, their hugs, their conversations, their first meeting. All of it needs to be gone for her to feel at peace. 

That's when, this boy works up the gall to grab her wrist. "Sai wait-"

"For god's sake, pick up your phone. It's been ringing the entire time you've been talking!" she exclaims, pulling away from his grip. More like yapping out nonsense.

Virat quickly grabs his phone and picks up the call, going aside to speak to whomever has decided to call him right now. 

So there is reception here. Sai thinks to herself, pulling out her phone. She sends for a cab immediately, ready to leave here, with or without Virat. So imagine her relief when he looks up from his phone, and mouths to her:

"I gotta go to work. You got a ride?"

Sai nods softly, ready to get out of there ASAP. Before Virat could get moving, she could see another car pull up, and immediately she rushes off, wanting to be freed from this crazy meeting.


"Aai, aai, aai!" Savi chants, patting on the bed for her mother to sit next to her. 

"What is it dear?" Sai asks, wrapping an arm around Savi, and covering her up with the blanket in her grip. 

"Aai, Pakhi auntie was saying Baba is going to go on a mission." the 8 year old informs. "It's a scary one. And auntie says he will be gone all night."

"Maybe." Sai sighs, moving Savi's long bangs out of her face. "He'll be alright. Now, go to sleep, we have to get a lot done tomorrow!"

Savi nods, nuzzling into her mother's side. "I wished Baba good luck over the phone. Will he be ok?"

"I am sure he will be fine, sweetheart. You wished him luck right?"


"Well there you go." Sai whispers soothingly, patting Savi's head until she falls asleep.

So that explains why he had to leave immediately when he got the phone call, first from Pakhi, and she assumes, the commissioner after that. Thank god, he didn't say something he'd regret, because if he did, Sai would've lost her head over it. 

Though she has a vague idea of what he might've wanted to say, she couldn't help but question her judgement. After 8 years, could his brain have started functioning correctly? She scoffs at the thought of Virat using a single one of his only 2 brain cells. 

For a moment, the thought of his death lingers in her head. What if he dies on this mission? 

Would Pakhi forever take Vinayak away from Sai? Would the Chavans throw Sai and Savi out of the house?

It's not like they haven't done that before. 

Perhaps it is better if he does die. That will rid her of the trouble of dealing with the Chavans, and she can simply fight until her son is back with her.

She will get Vinayak back. She knows she will get her son out of the clutches of the manipulative bitch Pakhi.


So, I am never checking a spoiler website ever again. 

Sairat stans are popping out of everywhere and poisoning the media to hate Satya, even though he has been only good so far. 

If those spoilers to turn out to be true, I am going to abandon the TV show, and I'm going to concentrate on only writing this. 

With so much potential in Satya's character, and how they can make the storyline better again, I would finally believe Vankar is the biggest fool on planet earth. 

Now, I promise, the real storyline will begin in the next post. 

I've really been lacking motivation to write recently ._.

Do drop comments and don't forget to vote!


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