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Jennie woke up to the sound of a faint drip in the darkness. It took her a moment to remember where she was, and when she did, a cold shiver ran down her spine. She was still in the same room, still tied up to the chair, still alone. Or was she?

She strained her ears, trying to pick up any other sound, any other sign of life. But there was nothing. Just the drip, drip, drip of a leaky faucet somewhere. Jennie had been held captive for several days now, and the experience had taken a toll on her. She had tried her best to remain calm and level-headed, but the constant fear and uncertainty were starting to wear her down. She was grateful that her captors had not been physically violent with her, but their cold detachment was equally unsettling.

Jennie spent most of her time locked in a small room with nothing but a bed, a toilet, and a small window high up on the wall. She had no idea where she was or why she had been taken. The only interaction she had with her captors was when they brought her meals or when Jisoo came to visit.

Jennie had mixed feelings about Jisoo. On one hand, she was the one who had taken her away from her comfortable life and put her in this terrifying situation. On the other hand, there was something about Jisoo that intrigued her. She was unlike anyone Jennie had ever met before: confident, charming, and dangerously unpredictable.

Jennie had noticed that Jisoo was always watching her, studying her every move. At first, it made her feel uncomfortable, but as the days went by, she found herself looking forward to their interactions. Jisoo was always polite and attentive, making sure that Jennie had everything she needed.
But there was something else in Jisoo's eyes that Jennie couldn't quite decipher. It was a mixture of longing and sadness, as if Jisoo was hiding some deep pain. Jennie wondered what it could be, but she didn't dare ask. She was afraid of what Jisoo might do if she got too curious.
As the days passed, Jennie's hope of being rescued began to dwindle. She realized that her only chance of getting out of this situation was to find a way to escape on her own. She started to study her surroundings, looking for any weaknesses in the security system.
But every time she thought she had found a way out, Jisoo would appear and distract her with conversation or a game of cards. Jennie couldn't help but feel conflicted. Part of her wanted to trust Jisoo, to believe that she was genuinely trying to help her. But another part of her couldn't shake off the feeling that Jisoo had ulterior motives.
Jennie knew that she had to be careful, that her life depended on it. But at the same time, she couldn't help but be drawn to Jisoo's mysterious charm. She wondered what it would be like to see the world through Jisoo's eyes, to experience the thrill of breaking the law without consequences.

As the night descended, Jennie lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling, lost in thought. She didn't know what the future held for her, but one thing was for sure: her life would never be the same again

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