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Jisoo sat in the dimly lit room, staring at the phone in her hand. She had been reading and rereading Jennie's post for the past hour, unable to shake off the feeling of unease that had settled in her stomach.

Jennie's post had gone viral, with thousands of fans flooding the comments with relief and joy. But Jisoo couldn't help but feel like something was off. Jennie's words were too carefully chosen, too calculated. It was as if she was sending a message to someone specific, someone who would understand the subtext.

Jisoo knew that person was her.

She sighed and ran a hand through her hair. She was torn between feeling grateful that Jennie had chosen to stand by her side and feeling guilty for putting her in this position in the first place. Jisoo knew she had no right to ask for Jennie's trust, let alone her affection. But there was something about Jennie that drew her in, that made her feel alive in a way that nothing else did.

She looked at the phone again and read the post one more time:

"Hey guys, I just wanted to let you all know that I'm okay. I'm safe and sound, and I'm not in any danger. I know you've all been worried about me, but please don't be. I just needed some time to myself, and I appreciate all the love and support you've been showing me. Thank you, and I'll see you all soon."

Jisoo knew there was more to it than that. She knew that Jennie was trying to tell her something, trying to communicate without raising any red flags. But she couldn't figure out what it was.

She was lost in thought when there was a knock on the door. Jisoo quickly put the phone away and stood up, straightening her clothes.

"Come in," she called out.

The door opened, and Jin walked in. He looked tired and stressed, his face lined with worry.

"Jisoo, we have a problem," he said, closing the door behind him.

"What is it?" Jisoo asked, her heart rate picking up.

"The police have traced the call you made to Jennie's manager," Jin said, his voice low.

Jisoo felt a wave of panic wash over her. She had been so careful, so meticulous in covering her tracks. How could the police have found her?

"What do we do?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"We need to move fast," Jin said. "Seungri's already working on a plan to get you out of here. But we need to be careful. The police are watching us, and they're closing in."

Jisoo nodded, her mind racing. She knew that if she got caught, it would be the end of everything. Her life as she knew it would be over.

"I'll do whatever it takes," she said, her voice steady. "I won't let them catch me."

Jin nodded, a determined look in his eyes. "We'll get through this, Jisoo. We'll find a way out."

Jisoo hoped he was right. But in her heart, she knew that things were about to get a lot more complicated

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