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The next day arrive jaune and the rest of the devils preparing to go to beacon academy. While ozpin also is waiting for them along with glynda goodwitch team rwby and jnpr..

Grayfia- son do you know how to reach beacon academy??

Jaune- yes mom..we have a 30 minute ride from here..but i don't like to ride that bullhead..

Serafall- why???

Jaune- i have motion sickness...

Serafall- eeehhhh!!!! You have a motion sickness!! 

Jaune- i don't know..

Serafalll- hahahahaha well what do you know the son of the legendary sirzechs lucifer has aotion sickness...hahahaha oohhh i can't wait to tell this to sona..hahahahahah

Jaune- don't you dare...

Serafall- make me.....

Sirzechs- why don't we give them something flashy...

Jaune- yeah...

Sirzechs- but first i have to call ajuka to prepare for the portal back home acter the meeting we will return back home

Jaune nodded and sirzechs went to call ajuka..

Ajuka- hello zechs...where are you???

Sirzechs- ajuka we are in remnant..and you might not going to believe it..

Ajuka- what is it??

Sirzechs- i found him...

Ajuka- what!! You found my god son!!!

Sirzechs- yes!! And you will not gonna believe me!! My son may not have the gremories looks but he has one thing that the gremories had..

Ajuka- the power of destruction...

Sirzechs- indeed!! And he master the true power of destruction like i did!! In addition he may be has a power of a lucifuge clan...and his age is younger than rias and sona!!!

Ajuka- how long??

Sirzechs- he was still 17 years old....

Ajuka- i see may be there are time differnce between 2 worlds..but be it that may as long as the you g prince arrive it doesn't matter to us...and i will inform the sitri's that he has been found...

Sirzechs- please do..and prepare a special piece i had a gut feeling the he's far stronger than any high class devil. Prepare a protal becauae we are coming home along with jaune and his friends..but there is a slight problem on my boy..

Ajuka- what is it??

Sirzechs- that boy has a rebelilus atitude and had a sharp tongue and he is a battle maniac...

Ajuka- that's a problem.. we have the white dragon empress valery who is also a battle maniac. That boy will have a harem in no time and azazel will go nuts if he manage to beat his daughter...

( i will make vali a girl)

Sirzechs- hahahahaha!!! We will know how strong jaune can be..for now he needs a proper training..

Ajuka- why??

Sirzechs- he was self train ajuka..he didn't have any instructor but hey he manage to master the power of destruction but we need to train him in his afinity to ice..if he had one..

Ajuka- i see...well then i will go to the sitri manor now after we have a talk to the sitri's we will open the portal back home..

Sirzechs nodded..and end the call

Jaune A. DxdWhere stories live. Discover now