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It's been a week that sirzechs is in beacon glynda saw a lot of atlas forces going to meet glynda.

Glynda- lord sirzechs atlas had arrive..

Sirzechs nodded and call ajuka to get the red and white dragon emperor..

Moments later issei and vali came out from the portal and he immediately order both of them fly for a warning.

Vali- zechs what is sopppsed to be a problem??

Sirzechs- indeed vali take a look outside 

Both issei and vali went to see many bullhead from atlas..

Vali- what is that??

Sirzechs- that is atlas ships..they come here to invade..

Issei- what are we gling to do??

Sirzechs- destroy them all and wait for my order...use only balace breaker...

Vali- approve..

Sirzech- leave only 1 ship..and they are checkmate..let them know that who is more dominant..

Issei- okay my lord well vali let's show them before we head back home..

Vali- where is my dad and jaune??

Sirzechs- they are on a mission for now..i need your assistance..

Vali/issei nodded and fly to the sky undetected..

After a few minutes the bullhead had landed on the docks and ironwood went to the office. 

Ironwood- glynda my love~ it's nice to see you..

Glynda- get to the point what do you want..

Ironwood- aren't you annoyed..

Glynda- i am annoyed that you bring an army of your forces here this isn't a war time.. and you scaring the children...

Ironwood- i want beacon to be in a secured -

Glynda- we don't need your forces here ironwood yea you aid us when the academy has been breach..but you also turn your back on us...and now you have a gall to spat ony face for security!!

Ironwood- i don't like tha-

Glynda- shut up james you only want to rule vale..you are invading the territory...thos is not atlas this is vale..

Ironwood- don't you dare to raise yoir voice on me!!

Sirzechs- or what??

Ironwood- who are you??

Sirzechs- i am sirzechs lucifer i am a friend of ozpin...and it seems your men come to repair beacon so that glunda and the rest had a debt to you?? So that you can easily claim beacon??

Ironwood- i don't intend to do that...

Sirzechs- too bad i already take over vale kingdom..i am the one who ruled this kingdom..and my colligue fix this academy...

Ironwood- thats impossible..

Sirzechs- it's possible you see..glynda told me what happen to beacon and i took action immediately deploy as many people as i can even my colligue do the same and fix the academy..

Ironwood- how could you do that in just a short span of time?!

Sirzechs- i have my own resources and equipment..and even technology...

Ironwood- you have your own tech huh..well it seems you have your own we shoul-

Sirzechs- no i wont align my self to atlas.. i don't have any plan to have any contracts between vale and the other kingdoms..

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