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A week has pass the team was travelling in a forest they encounter a grimm called gheist jaune quickly think that he would be act as a comedic lovable leader to vattle a gheist..

Ruby- what are you thinking??

Jaune- ohh nothing~ i just want to fight a gheist in my own way~

Nora- wait you have a crazy idea to act like a fool and weak

Jaune- i uave to cover up my own ass we don't really know if atlas was spying on me..remember i am their primary target...

Azazel- true

Qrow- why don't you show your skills??

Jaune- nope if i use my skills it would be a one sided fight...you must put your training into this kind of mission...i don't want all of you rely me...i want you to be areal deal....

Winter- i guess you have a point there.. very well we will be on stand by incase you all had been in difficult situation..gheist is a pain in the ass..

Qrow- wall birdy you will fight a hordes of beowolf that is comming to us...think of if as a initiation..

Azazel- don't mind if i do..

Team jaune attack the gheist...while azazel attack the beowolves.

Jaune- stay here yang you are the cannon ball of this fight...

Yang nodded

Qrow- uuggghhh!!! Thats a pain in a nuts...

Winter- fufufufuf...

Yang- wow rubes and nora..you really are in a bang!!

Ruby- that gheist is a really tough one...

Jaune- well~ you put everything in you...good fight...

Ren- well is your nut alrigh??? Hehehe

Jaune- it's fine hehehe those were intentional  hit...

Qrow- this kid is crazy. ..

Jaune- hey i am a tactician...

Qrow- yeah yeah!! Lets see azazel fight..

Imagine ruby is azazel.

Ruby- well i'll be damn..he is a master of scythe.

Winter- well he beat you two fufufufu...

Nora- that, was, awesome!!

Jaune- azazel us a war veteran guys...hebis expert in weapon..azazel and ruby are a weapon geek...

Azazel- heh pretty easy....

Qrow- that is only a beowolves azazel more grimms will come if you ask me...

Winter- indeed..

Azazel- well if my scythe won't work i use my signature fight....

Before the team could go they saw a scorpion faunus was coming on theem..

Tyrian- hellow again qrow~

Qrow- hello tyrian~ it seems you haven't learn your lesson aren't you~ how was your tail~

Jaune A. DxdWhere stories live. Discover now