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when vali and kuroka arrive at home they had another set of meeting and pass the message but they saw no one. so she text jaune where they are.

while vali is waiting for his reply grayfia  was approach vali and told her that they are at issei's house.

vali-mom why the red one invited the group??

grayfia- ahh honey he invited them for have some fun. why did sirzechs had a message for them??

vali- he did mom..it is important. i think father in law is pissed off.

grayfia-go to issei's ouse they are there.

vali-thanks mom i will go there right away.

grayfia-okay be safe sweetie.

vali-thank you..

vali immediately went to issei's house when she arrive there vali saw jaune and issei doing their homework while glynda is strictly watching them. qrow and tai are bickering while winter is with issei's parents ruby and yang are watching oscar's training with rias's peerage.

vali-hello guys i hope i didn't disturb you guys.

glynda- miss vali it's alright.

vali-please gather everyone  i had an important message

glynda nodded and called everyone except for issei's parents.

as glynda return the entire team was present.

rias- so vali is there any news coming??

vali-yes. and it was a bad news.


vali-ironwood and schnee will target the students of kuoh academy. they will kidnap them.

rias- what!! how dare they!!!

vali-relax rias that is why i am here to deliver some news

issei-what kind of news??

vali-and i qoute vali tell jaune and the rest to not engage. the leaders will be taking it's role to end everything. but you will keep our job as a undercover but do not engage. 

issei- so we will do nothing?? and let the leaders of the faction do the job??

vali- yes..sirzechs had enough for those two. and the bad news is the two idiiots manage to hack the nuclear weapon. azazel and ajuka is doing everything to hack the weapon..

pyrrha- guys although they will do the front line all i suggest that we will not let our guard down. we will continue our job. but we need also to protect the innocent.  we need to tighten our security because i saw atlas soldier earlier and they are armed with weapon that can break our aura easily.

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