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Ironwood is sitting on his chair while weill is giving ironwood a blow..After they done a soldier barge on his office and he is on shock.

Ironwood- what the hell!! Do you onow how to knock!!

Soldier- sorry sir but this is an emergency..

Ironwood- what is it??

Soldier- marrow has return and he is in the state of shock and probably had a traumatic experience and there is a smoke on his whole body and his uniform is almost torn apart and he is shivering probably in fear..

Ironwood and weiss and the soldier immediayely run and went to marrow..

Ironwood- marrow what happen??

Marrow look on ironwood's eyes and he is extremely furious that ironwood send them to death..and he attack ironwood but the soldier manage to hold him down..

Ironwood- marrow what happen??

Marrow- you dickhead!!! You send us on a suicide mission!!!  I will kill you wfrom what you had done!!

Soldier- calm down marrow...

Marrow- calm down?? Calm down!! That dickhead send us to our death!!

Ironwood- what happen marrow?? Calm down okay??

Marrow- shut up!!! James!! You send us to our death!! What did we do to you that you send us to our immediate death!!

Weiss- hey w-

Marrow- shut up!! You have no idea what i have been through!! Don't you dare to talk to me that way!! You started this war you idiot!! It's because of you two my team!! Are now dead!!  Even the atlas council are dead!!! It's because of you two!!!

Ironwood- what?? They are dead?? That devil king send the coordinates direct to his castle??

Marrow- castle?? What castle!! There is no castle in that place!!! That place is full of monsters!!! Those monsters are way worst than grimms!!! That devil is a real monsters!!

Ironwood- i give you a holy bullets they are supposed to get killed on that bullet...

Marrow- shut up!! Those bullets has no effect on them!! They impale my team and the council right infront of me!! Clover! Harriet! Elm!!  The council all of them are dead!! Those two devils impale my team alive!!!

Ironwood and weiss was so furious to hear that sirzechs beat them again...

Marrow is crying in vain because his team are all dead..

Marrow- you mother f*cker..they are dead because of you!! Take this usb choke on it that devil maid give this to me and told me that this usb will be given to you i don't know what is in that file but you better watch it...

Ironwood- devil maid??

Marrow- yes a woman and it was no ordinary maid!!

Weiss- a woman?? What is her name...

Marrow- serafall leviathan!!!

Weiss- wait i know that name!!

Ironwood- enlighten me weiss...

Weiss- i met her whe i was at beacon...serafall leviathan is not a maid!!!

Ironwood- huh??? If not who or what is she??

Weiss- serafall leviathan is a devil king like sirzechs...and if you went to his castle there is one maid always with sirzechs..

Ironwood- who is she??

Weiss- i believe her name if grayfia lucifuge.. and it happen she is that fakers mother!!!...serafall might be a devul king but what i saw she is a happy go lucky and a moron and idiot...trust me..i saw her there..

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