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The next day

Rias and the rest of her peerage visit the mansion they were greeted by jaine and let them in...

Rias - good day brat!!

Jaune- hood day old hag come let's eat..

Rias- thanks wow nice house jaune thanks..tell me did you and sona do it??

Jaune- hhhhuuuhhh!!!!

Rias- hehehe relax i'm just teasing..so you like the new house..

Jaune- i did but pops sure spend a lot..

Rias- of course he can..hehehe and by the way he gave me a card that it will dilever it to you...

Rias- debit card..bank car-

Jaune- i know bank card...

Rias- good and i took a liberty to take some hehehe..

Jaune- wow you really are a thief..

Rias- heeeeyyy!!

Jaune- stealing from the others is a crime you know...

Rias- well i am a devil and i am your aunt..

Jaune- clever old hag..how much did you take..

Rias- a million yen...

Jaune- a million!!! I should report you to the authorities!!

Rias- you do realize that you have over a million yen dumbass...

Jaune- i know a million but what is a yen??

Rias- local currency here!! Now shut up and accept it..

Sona- will you two shut up...

Rias/jaune- he/she started it!!

Sona- now now you two..everytime you meet you are always bantering it seems you two are married...

Rias- ohhh..too bad i am his aunt and you are his fiancè...

Sona- now enough you two get your butt here and eat with us..

Rias- don't tell me you are the one who cook..

Sona- no it's jaune is the one who cook!!

Rias- phheeewww!! Safe!!!

Jaune- why??

Rias- sona disn't tell you??

Jaune- nope i didn't ask...

Rias- you see jaune sona c-

Sona- don't you dare rias...

???- the sitri brat can't cook!!!!

Jaune- who said that!!!! Show your self!!!

Rias- it's ddraig look to issei's gauntlet..

Jaune and  the rest of the team stare to issei's red gauntlet..

Ddraig- greetings jaune gremory. I am ddraig i am one of the heavenly dragon..

Jaune- greetings old timer...i'm jaune gremory..or jaune arc this are my team nora valkyrie, lie ren, my sister jane arc..

Ddraig- greetings brats

J/n/r- greetings...

Rias- so you decide to show up ddraig..

Ddraig- indeed i heard that your nephew will train you all..

Jane- so you heard..

Ddraig- yes i was awake all the time..i just don't feel to show up...you better put my useless partner into shape if he wants to access my full power...

Jaune A. DxdWhere stories live. Discover now