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The days had pass irina and the rest exorcist hunting down kokabiel. Irina manage to convince issei and his fellow devil to help down to track kokabiel. So they decide to split up.

After an hour of hunting a voice was heart and it seems she was in trouble. Sona and rias follow the voice.

After they arrive they were horrified that irina is the one who cause that voice.

Sona- what happen!! Who did this!

Asia- it's kokabiel...he's here irina's excallibur was on his arm..

Rias- she is still alive.. can you heal her??

Asia- i can but my sacred gear will not be enough..

Sona- tsubaki bring her to the underworld hospital..inform the staff for emergency..now

Xenovia- absolutely not!! You will gonna-

Sona- will you just shut up!!!! Your friend here is dying!!! Yet you are still stubborn!!! Her life is important here..tsubaki go!! While there is still time..

Tsubaki carry irina to the underworld.

Then after some time the sky turns to red the devils and the 2 exorcist were shock who could cause this.

Sona- what the hell!!

Issei-this aura ..oh no..

Rias-it's kokabiel...

Kokabiel- ahhh the red hair girl finds out

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Kokabiel- ahhh the red hair girl finds out...

Rias- why are you here kokabiel...

Kokabiel-it's simple..i want to restart a war..in the past war the fallen angels Almost win that war but that  foolish azazel decide to back out!! Now as i can see you. You are a gremory i presume..

Rias- i am rias gremory..

Kokabiel- wonderful.. it's my luck to see you here along with a sitri...

Rias- i see fufufu kokabiel before we die..can you grant us a wish...

Kokabiel- well since another greatvwar will begin tell me what os your wish??

Rias-someone challenge you to a one on one battle...trust me he can satisfy your urges..

Kokabiel- i see..very well tonight at the school ground hahahaha

Rias- see you tonight kokabiel..

Kokabiel disappear via magic circle  and the sky returns to normal..

Sona- heh that was easy negotiation..


Xenovia- you!! We will join the fight

Jaune- not a chance!! This is our problem!!

Xenovia- this is our mission!!

Jaune- you can't stand a chance! One of your kind is badly injured yet you still insist to fight!! Yoire just attacking without thinking a plan!! Good thing rias called me for back up...while the underworld provide us aome assistance...becaise we cant be sure if he was alone or he has a men to join...you are so stupid...you make your death so easy...

Jaune A. DxdWhere stories live. Discover now