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after class

after the class everyone was already prepare to go home and they all decided to teleport their way to issei's home .

outside the academy

weiss-soldier did you see any suspicious people here and in the school??

soldier 1-no ma'am negative. what will we do now we need to recruit young people here .

weiss- soon soldier we will kidnap those students at kuoh. but for now we need to study them. kuoh academy is the main base of those damn devils including that cheater.. if we attack immediately they will be alerted. 

soldier 2-madam i found a house nearby madam. a very nice house  the one that you wanted.

weiss-can you send a photo for me. 

the soldier send the photo

the soldier send the photo

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weiss this is wonderful house where did you find it.

sodier 2- i found it not far from the academy. i think there are people living here.

weiss-can you tell them to vacate the house.

soldier 2- ma'am  as of now theres no one from here. i will return tomorrow or after a week.

weiss-i will go there later on. stay there..

soldier 2-affirmative ma'am. i will wait for you.

unknown to the soldier tobio was listening. and immediately call azazel

tobio- boss a soldier found jaune's house.

azazel- well sh*t!! but anyway do anything you want just don't tell that house was jaune. and don't do anything for now. but don't expose that house was jaune and the rest.

tobio-okay boss. but i will give them a warning.

azazel- do as you wish  as long as you avoid exposing our visitor there.

tobio- we have a visitor.

azazel- yes we have. and they are still on that house go there and inform them that trouble is on it's way. and tell theme don't go out. handle it  for now slash dog i know you can do it.

Jaune A. DxdWhere stories live. Discover now