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weeks had pass the team doing their job. in a strict manner the group didn't do anything but to survey and investigate the activity. everytime some soldiers try to kidnap the innocent kuroka will rescue slay the soldiers. much to the shock of qrow. because qrow might be a huntsman but he only kill's grimm and put the criminals to jail. when he see kuroka slay a human he was shock that kuroka is a complete different person. kuroka will kill a criminal without hesitation just to make sure the innocent people will not get hurt.

while at kuoh academy the undercover huntsmen and huntress doing their job as a teacher during day time and in after school it was a different story.

ironwood's base

after kuroka's killing spree she immediately went to the base of ironwood and lucky for her she saw that ironwood was there and he is so furious.

ironwood- god damn it!!! why does our nuke will not launch!!!! damn it!!

scientist- general i think somebody discover our hack..

ironwood- then do something!!!!

scientist-i did everything to trace the hacker general..their skill is so advance...

weiss had enough and shoot the scientist on the head and she instantly kill the scientist..

ironwood-what the hell weiss!!!

weiss- that scientist is useless!!!! and i had enough of his failure!!!!!

ironwood- and where we can find another hacker to trace who hack the nuke!!!! damn it!!!!

weiss- we can find another hacker..we can always bribe the government to give us the information that we need..i bet the nuke i not only computer guarded but it can also load into the aircraft. all we have to do is to raid the airbase and steal their aircraft. 

ironwood-damn it weiss do you know that the military base is already heavy guarded!! we can't just waltz in their base..

weiss- we can always use our weapon..

ironwood- do you have any idea that the military base has more resources..they have advance technology and weaponry rather than us!!! we only have a machine gun and androids! while the military base has a lot of weaponry. bombs. aircraft and soldiers!! what chance can we get!!!

weiss- well sorry honey i gues i am trigger happy...and besides i am bored and we do nothing in the past week.. our number of men are getting decrease again.

ironwood- how did it happen. the supernaturals didn't do anything while we abduct their local citizen..

weiss-then we need to kidnap the citizen and the children a s a p!!

ironwood-on monday we will do the plan. we will abduct everybody in one go. including the teachers...and we will brainwash them..for now lets enjoy the weekend.

Jaune A. DxdWhere stories live. Discover now