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Juane's Home

the team was doing on their own then a magic circle appear on the floor and it appears sirzechs lucifer.

sirzechs- greetings ladies and gentlemen i hope you adjusted your stay here.

yang-it went good sir. although we are still in awe see that jaune has his own mansion.

sirzechs-i see. well as his father i have to give him the best. and i have a feeling that he will bring some friends on him.

Ooblek- Jaune is a good boy although we treat him bad. but still he treat us all as an equal. we re truely ashamed to our actions.

sirzechs- non sense  it was all in the past. we have to move forward. and jaune is the type of person who couldn't put an anger on him. anyway where is that boy??

peter- he was at school.

sirzechs-at this time??

grayfia- my lord you are not on remnant. the time is different from here..

ruby- wait a minute. lady grayfia why did you say my lord to your own husband??

grayfia-fufufufu even he is my husband. he is still the lucifer. i am his servant and wife. 


glynda- even his own parents?? kneeling down on lord sirzechs??. and treat them with high respect??

grayfia- yes it is. unlike serafall. sirzechs is the highest of the 4 satans.

glynda-i see.

sirzechs-anyway the reason why i am here to relay to azazel and jaune that we have a meeting. at the red dragon emperors. home. you all are welcome too.  and where is that birdie go?? and winter where is qrow??

winter- he is on the move my lord. he is now spying the perimeter.

sirzechs-did he memorize the map of kuoh??

winter-no my lord but my guess is he is not far from here. or either tailing jaune in a secret. it was the order of oscar to tail jaune. because he is not comfortable that jaune is roaming around with his guard down.

sirzechs- Actually winter. jaune's guard is not down. he is very active everytime he goes around. for patrolling the town.

oscar- i was just taking a precautions lord sirzechs. not all the time jaune is active. what if weiss and ironwood attack jaune with a weapon that weaken them. or they already knew about the weakness of the devils. or there are more local enemies that targeting jaune.

sirzechs- i didn't think about that. i believe jaune can handle him self.

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