𝟎𝟐𝟏 | Pink

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             DEFENSE AGAINST THE DARK ARTS was possibly the most boring lesson, and the absolute worst way to end the day.

All throughout the lesson, Ophelia and Colin (who'd both sat beside each other at the far end of the class) kept looking at the clock behind Professor Umbridge's desk, and hoping that time would pass faster so they could do other more interesting things.

Ophelia absolutely hated Professor Umbridge's class. It seemed as if the professor was getting onto Ophelia's nerves intentionally. She had again, worn entirely pink, and it was hard for Ophelia to say which of her outfits was worse. Yesterday's, or today's.

One and a half hours they just sat in their places, reading the stupid Beginner's Guide to Defense Against the Dark Arts Theory, by Wilbert Slinkhard.

It was possibly the most boring book to ever exist, in Ophelia's opinion.

There was no practical to the classroom, and Professor Umbridge did not get up and teach.

All throughout the lesson, she sat at her desk, drinking tea from a pink teacup and staring at the silent class through her beady eyes.

Anyone that dared to question her, ended up in detention.

So nobody spoke.

At all.

Well, Ginny Weasley couldn't talk at all, during class, seeing as she had no mouth, otherwise Ophelia was sure she would have caused a scene on how there was no spell work involved.

From what she'd heard from Mariana, Madam Pomfrey did not know how to bring back Ginny's mouth, without her having to take a potion.

Through which, Ophelia laughed hysterically because Ginny didn't have a mouth to take in the potion.

She didn't tell anyone, but the spell would wear off in a couple more hours.

The best part of it was how Ginny and Mariana could no longer gossip or talk or giggle during classes, so Ophelia enjoyed the silence while she could.

After what seemed like one and a half endless hours, Defense Against the Dark Arts class was finally over.

Ophelia couldn't be more glad. Slamming her stupid Wilbert Slinkhard book shut, she stood up, and turned around prepared to walk out of the class. 

"Miss Malfoy," came a girlish voice from the front of the class, and Ophelia automatically knew it was Professor Umbridge.

She turned around, her blonde ponytail swaying slightly as she moved to face the Professor. "Yes, Professor?"

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