𝟎𝟑𝟗 | Alone

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             TEA WITH PROFESSOR MCGONAGALL BECAME a regular thing as April wilted into May. Every two days, Ophelia would knock the door to Professor McGonagall's office after school, and the pair would have tea and talk about all sorts of different things.

Ophelia enjoyed these sessions immensely as she ended up learning all sorts of wondrous things when she spoke to the Transfiguration professor. Professor McGonagall knew all about History of Magic, Charms, and even Muggle Studies, and Ophelia constantly felt like every time she had tea with the Professor, she learned something new. 

And Professor McGonagall also filled her in on the latest gossip and news that went on inside and outside of Hogwarts as well. Apparently Professor Flitwick fancied Madam Rosmerta from the Three Broomsticks, much to Ophelia's amusement.

But even her happy tea times with Professor McGonagall were also short-lived, much to Ophelia's disappointment.

Hogwarts also seemed much quieter as the Fifth Years were having their OWL examinations, while the Seventh years were doing their NEWTs. Much to Ophelia's relief, Draco and his friends were all too busy to bully her.

Except for Zabini. Ever since her birthday, he's always smile at her at the corridors when he saw her, or he'd wave sometimes. It wasn't that big a deal to Ophelia, but she still felt nice when he did that.

Ophelia's Animagus transformation seemed to be going fabulously. Every night, as she waited for an electrical storm, the blonde placed her wand over her chest, and very softly, she recited the incantation, "Amato, Animo, Animato Animagus." 

And then, the night before Draco's Astronomy OWL, there was an electrical storm. Ophelia was in the library, and she had completely forgotten about her crystal phial when Professor McGonagall sent her an owl with a letter, informing her that there was an electrical storm.

The blonde instantly, went to the Room of Requirement, where she had hidden her phial, and she noticed that the potion inside had now turned blood red. Then, she placed her wand over her chest, and recited the same incantation, before she drank the potion.

As soon as the blood, red liquid touched her lips, she felt a fiery, hot pain sizzle through her limbs, and pulling at her muscles. Her bones contorted into strange shapes, while a double heartbeat pounded through her head. 

Ophelia was scared. But the instructions clearly said she could not show fear. And then, magically, she saw a pair of paws with sharp claws, and white fangs. 

And then, she felt her body shrink, and elongate at the same time.

She was no longer human. She could smell everything; she had a killer sense of smell, and... her eyes— she could see everything so much clearer.

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