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             OPHELIA'S END OF YEAR EXAMINATIONS went better than she expected. Even though the past year had its ups and downs, and she had not put in the same effort as she had her previous years, she still managed to come out at the top of her year.

But Ophelia did not particularly care that she was at the top of her year. Her mind had sunk deep into the wallows of depression and darkness that bound her soul.

Whispers of Lord Voldemort had turned into rumors, which then turned into truths, instilling fear into each and every student at Hogwarts.

Even the Slytherins were quiet; for once.

In fact, all Draco had told Ophelia was to stay away from Colin, and nothing else. He had received letters from their mother every breakfast time, while Ophelia received none.

And whenever she went to ask Draco what Mummy wrote in her letters, Draco would suddenly have studying work to do.

But Ophelia knew he was lying.

Draco did not have to study; he had just completed his OWL examinations.

It was obvious he was ignoring her. For what reason? Ophelia did not know much; only that he was hiding something from her. He wasn't telling her something.

So Ophelia wrote to Narcissa and Lucius; and still, she received no response.

Of course.

She was just struck with a dark thought.

Perhaps they don't write because the Dark Lord stays at Malfoy Manor. 

Ophelia suddenly shook with fear. She did not want to stay in the same house as the Dark Lord. In fact, she did not even want to be near him.

If she had a choice, she would stay far, far away from him, perhaps in a different country, like Japan, and attend the weird wizarding school there, Mahoutokoro. Or attend Ilvermorny in Massachusetts. At least then her life would be normal. Ophelia made the mental note of asking Lucius if they could all move out of England, and go someplace where no one knew them, once she got home for the summer.

In a way, fate was wicked, destining Ophelia for eternal misery as everything went wrong with her life. She had to have a brother that hated her. She had to be sorted into Gryffindor. Her father had to be a Death Eater. She had to fall for a mudblood, didn't she? 

Couldn't fate have given her a different combination of trauma? Why did the exact combination of things have to happen to her?

Was she a bad person in her previous life? Was this the universe's way of paying her back? Ophelia didn't know. Of course, Ophelia had no control over her life's events. After all, didn't everyone deserve a second chance? 

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