Chapter 2: A Visit from the Ghost of All Spirits

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Troy is now a twenty-four year old NBA star and happens to be single. He is living his life but he always wondered what had went wrong between him and Sharpay back when they were in high school over ten years ago. As he had truly never knew that Chad was the real reason why Sharpay broke up with him. He had always regretted how things ended between him and Sharpay. Being as Sharpay was his first: crush, kiss, girlfriend, and heartbreak. While he had tried to talk to her before in the past, but in the end he just always seemed to think that he would the next day. However he never did and time flew by and he met Gabriella in their junior year of high school. (Yes, they met like they did in the first movie) They started dating during the summer of that year as well as through senior year of high school.

However during mid-Freshman year of college he and Gabriella ended up breaking up. More like she had done the same exact things as Troy had done to Sharpay. He kind of had gotten a clue of what Sharpay had gone through but the fact was that he wasn't really in love with Gabriella. Truth was that he never got over Sharpay. He had always figured that if they were truly meant to be then they would end up finding their way back to each other but only that never really happened. During the time after Sharpay ended things with Troy, he became a different person. He wasn't who he was when they were together. Like what she did herself he ended up closing his heart as well. The only difference being was that Sharpay never moved on until she went to college while Troy on the other hand dated Gabriella.

Now here he is ten years later and sees her again after all this time and she still looks beautiful. Now, just as he is about to go up to her after all this time, when all of a sudden he stops when he sees her with another man. And finally he sees her wedding rings on her left ring finger and realizes that he waited too long. Chad seeing what had happened goes over to Troy his wife Taylor.

"Hey man!"

"Hey Chad!"

"Why were you going to talk to Sharpay?" Chad asks.

"Just to talk to her and see if we could try again. But I guess she is married now."

"Yeah she got married three years ago to this big movie and music producer." Taylor says. Troy looks down.

'What if you could go back and change your ways?' a voice whispers to Troy. He looks around but sees no one.

'You can but first apologize to her for breaking her heart'. With that said the ghost leaves.

"Hey did you guys hear anything just now?" Troy asks as he looks around seeing who was whispering to him.

"No man must've been a ghost." Chad said joking. Taylor looks at Troy

"Troy are you okay?" Taylor asked concerned.

"Yeah I'm good. I think I must be hearing things." With that said he goes back to looking at Sharpay. Noticing that she is now talking to his mom and his mom gives Sharpay a hug which just happened to be too tight wondering what was happening.

As time passes the party ends and everyone else is leaving. Troy goes upstairs to his room and he sees something on his bed and goes over to see what it could be. He sees that it's the photograph of him and Sharpay. Wondering why knowing that he never left this on his bed, he then takes notice of the familiar scent in his room and it's a scent that he hasn't smelt in the last ten years. (Remember they broke up during their freshman year of high school. They graduated from high school six years ago) He realizes that Sharpay must've been up in his room earlier that evening while the party was happening downstairs.

(Takes place after Sharpay and Brian's conversation from chapter one and while Sharpay was dreaming of the past Troy however was getting another dream or should I say visits.)

As he is getting ready for bed when he stops and begins to have flashbacks to when he and Sharpay were together. However before he could fall asleep to dream peacefully he is suddenly awaken by someone coming into his room or more like appearing and stubbing. For the ghost of all spirits has arrived to start his journey into the past, present, and future.

"You and Sharpay were always meant to be together."

Troy wakes up startled. "Who said that? Who's there?"

"Why it's me the Ghost of All Spirits."

"Okay I am either dreaming or having a really bad nightmare and maybe even imaging this. Now why are you here?"

"I am here because of a wish that was made"

"Oh really a wish by who?" Troy asks wanting to know why this was happening to him.

"By the girl who loved you with all of her heart which you ended up taking for granted and until you broke her heart."

"If are you talking Gabriella then you got that one all wrong. She was the one who broke my heart." Troy says forgetting about Sharpay for a second until.....

"I'm not talking about Gabriella for it is Sharpay I am referring to."

Troy looks down and fells his heart break...


"She made a wish this evening for you to have the miracle of understanding."

"Why and to understand what?"

"So you can see your mistakes from the past and present and change your ways for the future. On this night you will be visited by three ghosts..."

(Before the Ghost of All Spirits could finish Troy interrupted.)

"Let me guess the ghosts of: Past, Present and Future"

"YES! But don't interrupt me again for that is very rude. I can see now why Sharpay made that wish, and hopefully after tonight you will change your ways. Remember you have been forewarned and now your time has come to either change your ways or continuing to live your life in misery." With that said the Ghost of All Spirit disappears into a bright white light.

"Yeah right! This is just what I need right now is some ghost telling me what to do. "Troy lies down on his bed not believing what is to come.

(In another chapter I am going to be using the song lyrics again from chapter one but just imagine it's Sharpay that singing. And Troy is seeing everything that happened with the three ghosts in these upcoming chapters.)

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