I love you, don't forget that. (Bob Velseb Comfort)

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I just need to be held in his arms right now. :(

Bob arrived at home, coated in blood and sweat. Chasing those victims around town wasn't easy, but he got the job done. Opening the door into his humble abode, he strode inside and saw the place was just as it was before. He had left in the morning while you were still sleeping, but there was no sign of you anywhere.

Shrugging it off, he wandered to his bathroom to clean up and take a shower. Meanwhile you lay in your room, hugging your pillow, as tears dripped down and wet it. You heard bob come home, you just didn't have any energy to leave your bed. You were exhausted. Too tired to do anything except think and then cry about it.

Bob exited the shower room and put some comfortable clothes on. He went to his bedroom to see you, facing away from the door, holding a pillow in the dimly-lit room. He knew something was off immediately and frowned, the way you didn't respond gave it away. He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed, rubbing your back slowly. "You alright?" Your silence confirmed his suspicion. He sighed, hating seeing you like this. He wished he could see your smile, it always broke his heart to see you like this.

"What can I do to make you feel better, hm?" For a minute you didn't respond, but then threw away your pillow, turned towards him, and held your arms wide open. A soft smile formed on his lips as he laid down with you and held you close with his arms wrapped around you, your left arm on his right shoulder, your right him on his left side, and your head on his chest. You sobbed into his collarbone, wetting his chest. He couldn't care less at the moment, all he was really concerned about was making you feel better.

You both lay there for a good half hour until he breaks the silence and asks "Do you want me to cook you something?" You nod in response. He smiled and held you close a little longer, placing a kiss on your forehead. Whatever was happening, causing to make you cry, he would try to fix it. He would never want something bad to happen to you, and to see you like this? It devastated him. If you didn't want to talk about it, he would always support your decision, but he would always be there for you no matter what.

- - -

Words cannot explain how much I love him.

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