The Day You Died. (Streber x Reader Angst)

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Summary: It was all your fault.

Proofread: Yes
Word count: 1.4k
CW: descriptive gore stuff, streber death

Decided to write some angst since I finally can bring myself to write anything. Sorry for being dead for like, months - Can't really bring myself to make any excuses other than being lazy or not having motivation, but yeah, mental health's a bitch.
That Candybats game inspired me to write this - REALLY wasn't expecting that ending. Made me cry tbh 😭 it's embarrassing but I just love Streber a whole lot; I do consider myself the #1 Streber Shrimp, after all.
Right, I'm done rambling, here's your angst fic


Your footsteps trailed up the wooden stairs, up to the porch where everything seemed strangely familiar once again.

You inspected your surroundings, to which everything seemed normal. The echoes of children could be heard down the street, trick-or-treating and spreading their joy. Autumn leaves fell from the trees, gracing the soft grass below and scattering the sidewalks. A cold breeze in the air carried them freely, letting them land eventually.

Around you, on the porch, were many Halloween decorations: Jack-o-lanterns, fake cobwebs, a coffin, boarded up windows, and whatnot. It was clearly all carefully chosen and handpicked to look perfect for the season of Halloween, and that it did.

You took a step forward closer to the doorway in front of you, whatever was inside being hidden by white cloth that draped over the entrance. You jolted back when someone jumped out at you from said doorway, dressed in a vampire costume with clearly fake fangs.

"Welcome to-" He started, before his facade dropped, expressing a huge smile before leaping onto you to give you a huge hug. "[Name]! You came!" He exclaimed, squeezing you tightly as he dug his nose into the crook of your neck. Despite the cold breeze in the air, you felt warm when he wrapped his arms around you. You didn't wanna let go, and it seemed neither did he, as he stuck onto you like a koala for half a minute.

As he finally released his grip on you, he leaned up on his tippy toes to grab your cheeks, littering your face with kisses. You laughed softly, grabbing his shoulders and gently pushing him back as he stopped. "Yeah, I'm here - Did you really miss me that much?" You teased, placing gentle hands on his waist.

"Of course I did, silly! I haven't seen you since this morning - I missed you sooooo much!" He wrapped his arms around your neck, placing a sweet kiss on your lips. You smiled, looking into his beautiful violet eyes. "I'm so happy you're here... What do you think of the haunted house?" He asks, your eyes glancing around at the decorations once again. You slowly nodded your head, a stupid smile gracing your lips. "I think... You totally overdid it, love." You joked, receiving a grumpy face. "Heyyy!" He pouted, giving you a gentle push. You chuckled, cupping his cheek. "Joking, joking... It's great. Love it." Streber rolled his eyes, leaning into the kiss you left on his forehead.

Streber glanced behind him, to the entrance of the haunted house. "Sooo, you gonna go in, or did you just come here to see me?" You scoffed, pulling away. "Of course I came here juuust to see your face, dummy." You joked again, making him giggle stupidly. "Shut up and get in there." He leaned in for one more delicate kiss, looking at you with soft eyes.

"I love you." You whispered, as you began to walk off. "I love you more, doofus." Streber replied louder, watching you and giggling to himself. You rolled your eyes back as you entered the haunted house, to where you saw a dark hallway with also fake torches lighting the way. You began to make your way down, people jumping from corners and roaring at you, making you jolt and maybe even scream, but it was fun!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04 ⏰

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