Home Cooked Meal (Bob Velseb)

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So this is my first drabble of Bob, not too proud of it but it's all I have rn. Hope it's okay lol

Pairing: Bob Velseb x GN Reader
Warnings: Just mentions of cannibalism
Request: "Do one where it's the reader making bobs favorite food and they cuddle" from my friend <3

Bob came to see you today and spend the night. He asked you to cook his favourite dinner with some meat he brought, and you obliged. As the food sizzled on the pan, you carefully cooked it while you made your own food. Human meat just wasn't on your menu tonight. (Unless you are a cannibal too, just ignore that-) Too focused on cooking for Bob, you didn't notice someone sneaking up behind you, so when Bob wrapped his arms around you and rested his head on your shoulder, you jumped a tiny bit. Bob watched you cook with a smile on his face and a kiss on your neck. The small gesture made you smile. "Smells good." Bob said. "Only the best for you, sweetheart." What you said made Bob chuckle and bury his chin into the crook of your neck while he made a small sideways rocking movement while watching you cook. You were perfect to him. Minutes after dinner was finished, you sat down at the dinner table and ate your food respectively, basking in each others presence. Sometimes asking a question there, or talking about anything, but it was mostly silence and enjoying the other's presence. After finishing dinner, you both sat down at the couch and watched a movie. You sat on his left side with your head leaning on his shoulder and your left arm on his chest, while his left arm was hung over your shoulder. You both eventually fell asleep to the background sound of the tv, but mostly from each other's warmth.

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