CandyBats x Overworked Reader

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Anonymous asked:

Can you write a headcanon with Kevin streber and reader (poly relationship)but the reader overworks their self then Kevin and streber found them asleep at their work desk they have at home


No problem anon! I made it a little drabble instead, hope that's fine. Enjoy! :D

Content: gn reader (they/them), not really much else just fluff <3

Streber and Kevin walked inside the door to their shared house, chatting along the way inside, kicking off their shoes and hanging their coats.

"Hey, y/n?" Streber called out your name, but there was no response. He looked at Kevin and shrugged, starting to make his way to your bedroom.

Upon approaching it he knocked gently before opening the door. The room was dark but he could tell for sure there was no one under the covers.

"Did they leave?" Streber asked Kevin. "No, they texted me earlier, they're home." Streber thought for a moment, then asked "Could you check their office?"

Streber and Kevin both noticed lately that you've been working a lot, usually all day and a few hours into the night. Streber sometimes came into your office, asking you to come out and do something with him, but you'd always decline, wanting to finish more work. Streber would worry about overworking yourself, but didn't want to bother you too much, so left you alone.

Kevin would understand that you were trying to get more work done, but even he know it wasn't healthy to overwork yourself. He tried to encourage you into spending time with him and Streber once, maybe just watching a movie, but you declined again. Kevin would understand, but still worried about you overworking yourself.

Kevin approached your office door and twisted the handle, peeking in to see you at your desk with your head resting on your desk, your arms sitting right around your head. Kevin and Streber both sighed, sharing a look before Streber walked towards you.

"Babe.. wake up." He shook you slowly until your eyes opened, and you sat up in your chair and stretched your arms, yawning and looking over at Streber. He smiled softly but still seemed somewhat worried while Kevin stood in the doorway, watching you two as his own worry grew inside.

"Hey, come on.. let's go to bed." Streber asked you with hopeful eyes. You nodded in agreement and stood from your chair as he grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom, as Kevin followed behind you two.

The rest of the evening was spent with cuddles as you rested your head on Streber's lap, holding you gently as you all snuggled together.


Oh my god, finally finished my last request!! Okay, I'm really sorry it took so long, but of course everything's been busy and I can finally relax. I'll post what I'm doing next in just a minute!

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