Tired (Streber x M! Reader Comfort)

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Summary: You feel so alone, so you visit Streber.
Word Count: 479

3rd POV - 2nd POV.

It was another late evening in the town, and Streber was working on his latest project, eager to finish it. (Not the halloween one lol)

It was a calm but thunderous rainy night, the quietness in his house mixed with the raging thunderstorm outside made him feel at peace.

Suddenly, that peace was broken, as a sudden knocking was heard right at his front door. Streber sighed and got up, stretching his legs and walking towards the front door. Who could that be at this kind of time? He wondered, looking at the clock as he passed by it.

He approached the front door, unlocking it and cracking it open slightly to look through the gap. He was surprised to see someone just standing there in the heavy rain - they were completely drenched. However when he looked closer under their hood, he could make out who it was.

It was his boyfriend, [Name]. Streber's eyes slightly widened as he fully opened the door, looking up at him. "[Name], what is it? Can't it wait til tomorrow?" He said in a slightly annoyed tone.

(2nd POV.)

Streber was surprised to feel you envelop him in your arms, pulling him into a tight hug with no word as you dug your face into his neck.

He worriedly hugged you back, realizing something might've been wrong. "[Name]? Is something wrong?" Right as he asked that, you felt like breaking down completely and crying right there, letting everything out. Instead you tried to hold it in, but just barely.

You didn't know how to answer his question, though - your emotions so intense to the point you didn't even remember most of why you were upset. So you stayed quiet, clinging to his body like it was the last thing you had.

After a minute, Streber sighed and pulled back, closing the door behind you and locking it. He pulled your hood down and looked at your red tear-stained face. Your eyes were still glossy as he placed his hands on both sides of your face, rubbing his thumb up and down your cheek.

"Oh [Name]..." He pressed his forehead against yours, making you feel even more emotional, and somehow just breaking right then and there - you started to let the tears fall, letting out soft sobs from your mouth.

He let your tears spill out, dripping onto his clothes. Not that he minded. His hand reached down to grip yours, pulling away as he led you to the couch. "Come on, love, lets sit down."

He sat next to you as you sniffled and sobbed, letting you lean on him. He shifted his body to lay down on his back, with you resting your head on his chest as he stroked your hair gently, his soft and loving touch attempting to comfort you.

"Shh... It's gonna be all right. I'm right here."


i was gonna make it longer but ummmmm yea

if anyone reqs a part 2 i will gladly make it (will be short tho tbh)

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