The Aftermath. (Streber x Reader Angst P2)

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shitty sequel to (i'll be right here)  lololz never been in a hospital so i have no fuckn idea

You sat on the chair lonely. Your thoughts felt like a jumble. Your heart hurt so bad. It was super late, but you needed to know he was okay.

A nurse walked out of the room and straight towards you. You looked up at them hopefully, wanting some good news for tonight at least.

They crouched slightly to look at you clearly. "The doctor says he will be fine, but he needs to take it easy. Sadly he suffered some severe injuries.." They sighed, walking back and opening the door for you, letting you inside.

You were relieved to hear this, knowing that at least he would be alive. You weren't expecting him to be in very good shape, but it didn't matter to you, only that he was alive.

You quietly shuffled in as they closed the door behind you, leaving you in the room alone. Besides for him, though it still made you feel alone after.. the incident.

Your heart shattered when you saw him. The relief you had was all nearly gone. He was unconscious at the moment, with a bandage on his forehead. But what hurt you the most was the fact that he had no arm. What was left there was a stub in bandages.

You pulled up a chair and sat next to his bed, holding his hand. The only hand he had left.

Seeing him in a state like this broke your heart. How would he react when he woke up and saw a physical part of him missing? You hoped for the best, but you were still hopeless.

Tears stung at your eyes. You choked back a soft sob before just letting it out. You were so worried. You felt like what happened hurt you more than anything else.

The worst part of all of this was that you had no control. No power over anything. All you could do now was just hope he recovered quickly from this.

You sobbed quietly, feeling so alone. All you wanted was for him to just come back.


this is so bad istg but i needed a part 2 (im insane for him you guys have no idea)

anyway L streber no arm L 😹

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