"A Real Vampire!" (Streber x M! Vamp Reader)

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Summary: As the prince of the dark kingdom, you disappear on halloween to go participate in foolish mortal activities to distract yourself from your father. You never thought you'd meet a cute 'vampire.'

Word Count: 1.6k
Proofread: ya
Notes: honestly really based off of skyrim dawnguard DLC + hotel trannsylvania vibes Streber doesn't get attacked by bob in this.

You were the prince of a dark kingdom. A hidden kingdom, hidden from humanity, meant to never have been found by humans.

Being the highly respected and infamous young vampire prince, you were planning on escaping this dreaded castle you had been practically trapped in all your life.

Your father was a stuck up fool who only cared about his image. He never cared about you, and you could tell that. He only used you to uphold his oh so mighty image, only pretending he cared about you, but he barely ever remembered your own birthday - not that he cared.

Your mother was one of the only ones in your life who had seemed to care about you, nursing you as a child, though when you were only so young she died from an immortal sickness. You could only remember the comforting and warm, distinct feeling of her holding you in her arms.

However, you had the opportunity to leave for one day. A mortal tradition, called Halloween, was a yearly occasion that took place on October 31st. It was perfect, humans dressed up in silly little costumes and walked around their residence to gather sweets from others. They dressed up as vampires too, which you saw as a bit of an insult to your race, but at least it could grant you cover to blend in with the crowd.

It was perfect. You heard about this idea from your friend, [Friend]. They'd suggested you sneak out for an early night, going out in your fanciest little royal vampire attire and blending in with the humans. It was funny, you were pretending to be humans pretending to be vampires.

[Friend] was a more higher class vampire. Not exactly royalty, but their family had connections which is how you knew each other. You were practically cousins.

They had an odd interest for humans, learning as much as they could about them, usually spending most of their time in the library for research. Hence how they found out about 'Halloween.' You weren't inclined to bother with any of those lowly humans, unsure about why they even showed an interest in them.

Though you didn't think much of humans, you agreed, taking any chance to escape the dreaded castle you'd been stuck in.

So... here you were, dressed in - what you would call - a fairly casual outfit. You were wearing a victorian style outfit, (i have no fucking idea how to describe any specific outfit so just imagine your wearing something very fancy looking lol)

You and your friend exited through the portal to the human world, knocking out all the guards with sleepy gas and sneaking through the portal. When you finally came through, you found yourself in a familiar dark forest.

This wasn't the first time you'd been out here, but it was one of the few. You were grateful to be able to escape your father for once.

[Friend] giggled as they grabbed your arm and hopped away, dragging you with them. "Come on! Let's go get candy, I'm so excited!" You struggled to keep up with their pace, trying not to trip over your feet as you were dragged behind them. "Hey, slow down!"

You both trudged towards the lights of the city, carrying bags for candy. At least this would get you away from your father for a few hours.

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