Flustered Kevin

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Anonymous asked:

The reader to a Rizz-less but smitten Kevin "Kev, my heart do you think you'll ever not be nervous around me?" Kevin, immediately tomato red "Idk! But I want to be- I mean I don't want to be- No no I mean I-" You kiss him to put him out of his misery <3


Kevin is so cute fr

(I had to fucking rewrite this twice because I was trolling my friend and switching apps but this didn't save 💀)

You were walking your way to the candy shop, where your boyfriend was currently working - you were bored, and it didn't take too long to walk there, so why not.

You swung open the large glass doors and strode inside, approaching the counter. Your boyfriend stood behind the counter, facing away from you until he decided to face you. A dumb smile irked on his lips as he realized who it was, turning his body to face you.

"Hey [Name], what brings you here?" He slightly tilts his head as he asks that question. "Oh, I just came to see you's all." You give him a quick peck on the cheek as you lean over the counter. "How's work going?"

He blushed at the display of affection, reaching to scratch the back of his neck. "Well.. same as always, I guess." He clasped his hands together nervously, placing them down on the counter as you noticed his flusteredness.

Your hand reached to grasp onto one of his, feeling his colder hands. "Kev, my love, do you think you'll ever be not nervous around me?" You asked, locking your eyes onto his.

He blushed at the sudden contact, unsure of what to say. "W-Well, I dunno! Maybe yes- O-Or I mean, uhm, not really- No, I mean, uhh-"

You chuckle softly at his flustered reaction, leaning in to kiss him on the lips softly. He closes his eyes and savours the sweet but short kiss until you pull away.

"I'll see you at home, Kev." Your hand pulls away from his as you spin around and wave goodbye. "O-Oh, bye!" He waves back until you leave, and sighs softly to himself when your finally gone, smiling softly and rubbing the spot on his cheek where you had kissed him before.

- - -

Uhh yea

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