Kevin's Crush Cuddling Him

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Anonymous asked:

Kevin hanging with his crush watching a movie, they've fallen asleep on his shoulder. And on reflex start cuddling him.

You were hanging out with your close friend, Kevin - tonight you'd both agreed to watch some classic movies or whatever, like jurassic park or titanic etc.

You were the one who invited him over, taking the opportunity to just spend some time with him. He accepted the invite, arriving to your house later.

You could now find yourself sitting next to Kevin, leaning on his shoulder as you both watched the movie in front of you. It was getting pretty late, and you were struggling to stay awake. Your eyes were drooping, and you were taking extremely long blinks. The background noise of the movie didn't help with your drowsiness, giving you comfort in wanting to fall asleep. Kevin didn't exactly seem to notice, too caught up in the movie.

In a few short minutes, you ended up drifting off on your friend's shoulder. Only when Kevin drifted his eyes towards you a few minutes after did he notice. He immediately tensed up. He could then feel his face warm up. Did you really just fall asleep on him?

You started to shift your body, wrapping your arms around his torso. Oh shit. Kevin was flustered as hell, not even focusing on the movie like he was 2 minutes ago.

You looked so peaceful just clinging onto him like that, it made him feel warm inside just watching you hold onto him. He reached for the remote next to him, turning the volume down so it didn't somehow wake you up.

After a while he just relaxed, relishing in your touch. It made him smile. What if you held him like this every night? He shook the thought away - he didn't wanna be creepy like that. But at the same time he just couldn't resist the thought of being with you.

Within a few minutes, he felt himself getting lulled to sleep too. Your warmth, and also the background noise of the TV just didn't help. Eventually he closed his eyes and accepted fate, falling asleep with a smile on his face, feeling very very comfortable.


short but sweet
jurassic park goated frfr 💯

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