Kevin comforting reader from a nightmare.

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Anonymous asked:
Heyyy, so here's a little request for a Kevin x Reader—
What if Kevin comforted the Reader from a nightmare?


sorry this took awhile 😿😿 took a break but im back

An uncomfortable cold sweat could be felt all over your body, emerging you from your sleep. You sat up and rubbed your eyes, trying to ground yourself back to reality and calm yourself down.

Your lover, Kevin, opened his eyes slowly at the sudden movement disturbing his slumber. He shifted around in his bed before leaning over to turn the lamp on, tiredly looking back at you. "[Name]..? You alright, babe?" He could sense something was wrong.

You looked at him, wiping tears from your eyes, sniffling. "Yeah.. just a bad dream." He sighed softly. He hated to see you like this. He felt slightly awkward though, he didn't know whether he should ask you to tell him about it or not.

He decided on the latter, not wanting to make you uncomfortable. "Here.. lay down." You do so, resting your head back on the pillow. He wraps his arms around you and pulls you close to him, rubbing your back comfortingly as you locked your arms around him too.

He was also unsure of what to say or do. But knew that just holding you with him was good enough to make you calm down. You were then again lulled back to sleep in his comforting hold around you, as he turned back to switch the lamp off, shrouding the room in darkness again as he held you close.

His arms gently wrapped around your body were all what you needed to feel safe again.


hope this was okay but it was short lol. will hopefully continue writing more tomorrow

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